Mute GW2 when in the background bugged
For as long as I’ve had Guildwars 2 I’ve always had the Mute GW@ when in the background option unticked because I have 2 monitors and want to hear the game when im not in the game.
Since the update of today after a full game restart I have to untick the option everytime the games starts.
I tried a guildwars 2 repair, this did not fix it.
Yes, I came here to report the same thing, and for the same reason – if you’re running in any windowed mode – and especially on multiple monitors – you don’t want GW2 to go quiet just because you’ve changed the focus to look something up, or to type in TS chat, or whatever. (And if you also sometimes run parallel game copies, as I do when I’m running my dailies, there are times when you definitely don’t want the one that’s not in focus to automatically go quiet.)
Corrupted local data seems unlikely to be the cause; I see the bug on the two, independent copies of the game that I have on my machine (separate directories on separate physical drives). I can change the option once in game, and it is honoured – but whatever I choose to do, and however I close the client, next time I fire it up the mute option has been set again.
(edited by Doghouse.1562)
I have this option unticked – but it keeps re-ticking itself every time I close the game.
I have this option unticked – but it keeps re-ticking itself every time I close the game.
Same for me.
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983
I have this option unticked – but it keeps re-ticking itself every time I close the game.
Same for me.
same here and it drives me nuts _
I have been having the same problem and it continues after the most recent patch. I hope that they fix this soon.
We’re aware of the issue and a bug has been written. No ETA at this time
We also really appreciate you all reporting these, it really helps us identify these things quickly.
We’re aware of the issue and a Fix has been written. No ETA at this time
fixed that for you
also, thanks for letting everyone know
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
We’re aware of the issue and a Fix has been written. No ETA at this time
fixed that for you
also, thanks for letting everyone know
Lol. It got me wondering how a “bug” could be written. :P And add me to list too, I have had that option unchecked for ages but after this week’s patch I noticed that the game got muted when I swapped to another window and then I saw the option checked. It got checked again after relogging.
lol I thought I had somehow set that and had just been too lazy to uncheck it >.>
Oh good, thought it was just me.
RIP City of Heroes
When i log in, this is always checked off even if i uncheck it and browse the internet.
if i log in, its re-muted, and i cant queue in spvp before it rechecks itself(when i log off)
basically it wont save how i put it. its annoying
We’re aware of the issue and a bug has been written. No ETA at this time
We also really appreciate you all reporting these, it really helps us identify these things quickly.
Came here to report the same thing; thanks so much for being public about these. It saves me wondering if it has been noticed.
I came to report it also.
I bring Screen Shot
Wanted to report the same bug, nice that it’s already out there.
We’re aware of the issue and a Fix has been written. No ETA at this time
fixed that for you
also, thanks for letting everyone knowLol. It got me wondering how a “bug” could be written.
Depending on ANet in-house terminology, Ester could simply mean that an entry has been made on the bug tracking system. Where I used to work, we’d have called that “raising a bug”, not “writing” one – but, different shops sometimes use different terms.
Me too 8-)
It’s somewhat annoying because I normally start the game, select a char and continue other work until I hear the background noise of LA. A few days ago I detected that the game was already running for some time when I was checking why I wasn’t hearing anything.
There are also situations where I wait for someone else to come online. I then put the game into background until I hear the ping sound from the whisper. Please fix this.
Same here. It seems to have crept in with the most recent patch. I almost always have this unticked. Please fix this, it is not being retained across sessions.
Hi there … weird one. This was working fine until recently, then a patch hit (couldn’t say which one) and now whenever GW2 is started it has the “mute GW2 in background” option set.
Unsetting this changes it for the current session but it won’t remember the setting.
I’ve run a -repair on the game client, no change.
Any ideas?
I also have this bug, and repairing the client didn’t fix it. Cheers, devs.
I enjoy being able to alt-tab out of the game on occasion, and it helps to know when something is happening around me or attacking me. For that purpose, I usually toggle off the “Mute when GW2 is in the background” option in the Audio Settings in-game. However, everytime I launch the game, this option resets to enabled.
It’s really annoying that I have to turn it off everytime I launch the game. Any ways to address the issue?
Prior to roughly a week ago, whenever I would set my ‘Mute when GW2 is in the background’ Option to ‘On’ or ‘Off’, it would stay that way unless it was changed.
Now, every time I close the Game Client after I am done playing for the day, and then open it back up, the ‘Mute when GW2 is in the background’ Option is turned ‘On’ by default instead of saving it to what I had it set to like every other Option.
It is very annoying having to reset this Option over and over. Sometimes I like to hear GW2 in the background to hear whispers, etc., even when watching GW2 Streamers or YouTube videos, and other times I simply don’t.
Please fix this. Thank you.
Here’s a thread with Dev response:
Good luck.
Here’s a thread with Dev response:
Good luck.
So I am not the only one with the issue. Thank you for the link.
I have had my friend check on Skype if this was just a me issue or a gw’s 2 issue and they have the same issue. But yes the bug is not saving the setting of “Mute When GW2 is in the background” restart the client and it is rechecked. So you have to re uncheck it every time you restart the client. So with mute when the client is is not in focus on alt tabbing to another program will get yourself killed as you won’t hear something attacking you or ect. but this bug is self testing anyone reading this can try relog and see. So not hard to duplicate lol. I had sent a in game bug report as well but decided to make one here so this bug have a higher chance of getting fixed.
Here’s a thread with Dev response:
Good luck.
This bug is making me angry, how can it not be fixed yet. It should deserve a hotfix if you skip the regular patch day.
Going to add my request to please fix this soon. It’s really annoying that I have to uncheck it every time I log in. I have dual monitors and run the game in fullscreen windowed, so I am often alt tabbing to look at the wiki, forum, etc. If I do this while watching a story cut scene or something, I instantly lose the audio now if I forget to recheck the option.
Hey friends! I wanted to update you all to let you know that a fix for this is now being tested by QA for an upcoming release. Thank you for your continued patience and graciousness while we’ve been working on this.
I never had this problem till about a month ago and really it’s just a quality of life issue. Before, you tab ONCE in options that you don’t want the game muted when GW2 is in the background.
But since recent patches no matter if you clicked it or not, relogging the client will ALWAYS put it back onto muting it when tabbing out. It’s rather annoying having to change it every single day or moment i relog the client when it should be a permanent thing unless i check otherwise in the options.
Hezrou Shok – Sylvari Ranger of JQ [MAIN]
If you desire, you can search for the thread with a Dev response for this issue.
They are aware, and, I believe, working on a fix.
Good luck.
The Audio Option for – Mute when GW2 is in the background – is reset to ON every time the game is started. I always then need to set it to off each time. Would prefer the option is not reset.
Ya, started doing that at some point with a patch. I have to keep shutting the option off every time.
Here’s the thread with Dev response:
Good luck.
Thanks. My pre-post search didn’t show anything for mute. Dev is apparently aware of the issue – no date for fix though.
So when can we expect this fix?! Its driving me craaaaaaaaazy.
We’re aware of the issue and a Fix has been written. No ETA at this time
fixed that for you
also, thanks for letting everyone knowLol. It got me wondering how a “bug” could be written.
Depending on ANet in-house terminology, Ester could simply mean that an entry has been made on the bug tracking system. Where I used to work, we’d have called that “raising a bug”, not “writing” one – but, different shops sometimes use different terms.
That is it exactly, I ‘write the bug’ and it gets sent over to whoever is going to fix it. I use my leet QA skills to write up the issue in a clear manner so whoever is fixing it knows what the issue actually is and how to reproduce it if needed. At least that is the idea, not all bugs are created equal.
And for real info, the fix for this cleared so you should see it tomorrow. I ran into this issue this weekend and it’s super annoying. I’m happy it got fixed so quickly.
It is still bugged
I just tried it on live and it stayed unselected, and then selected for me. Maybe make sure you’ve downloaded the whole patch (no streaming) and try again?
I downloaded the whole patch but the setting still gets resetted after each time the game gets restarted
We’re aware of the issue and a Fix has been written. No ETA at this time
fixed that for you
also, thanks for letting everyone knowLol. It got me wondering how a “bug” could be written.
Depending on ANet in-house terminology, Ester could simply mean that an entry has been made on the bug tracking system. Where I used to work, we’d have called that “raising a bug”, not “writing” one – but, different shops sometimes use different terms.
That is it exactly, I ‘write the bug’ and it gets sent over to whoever is going to fix it. I use my leet QA skills to write up the issue in a clear manner so whoever is fixing it knows what the issue actually is and how to reproduce it if needed. At least that is the idea, not all bugs are created equal.
And for real info, the fix for this cleared so you should see it tomorrow. I ran into this issue this weekend and it’s super annoying. I’m happy it got fixed so quickly.
Hehe, I got it. My joke was more like a dev “writing” or “making a bug” like on purpose lol. But glad to hear a fix went live.
I tested this a few more times, it is definitely still bugged.
We’re aware of the issue and a Fix has been written. No ETA at this time
fixed that for you
also, thanks for letting everyone knowLol. It got me wondering how a “bug” could be written.
Depending on ANet in-house terminology, Ester could simply mean that an entry has been made on the bug tracking system. Where I used to work, we’d have called that “raising a bug”, not “writing” one – but, different shops sometimes use different terms.
That is it exactly, I ‘write the bug’ and it gets sent over to whoever is going to fix it. I use my leet QA skills to write up the issue in a clear manner so whoever is fixing it knows what the issue actually is and how to reproduce it if needed. At least that is the idea, not all bugs are created equal.
And for real info, the fix for this cleared so you should see it tomorrow. I ran into this issue this weekend and it’s super annoying. I’m happy it got fixed so quickly.
Hehe, I got it. My joke was more like a dev “writing” or “making a bug” like on purpose lol. But glad to hear a fix went live.
Oh yah I"m no dev though, I couldn’t come up with the amazing stories and events that our devs implement.
I tried this earlier at work and just again at home and the setting is being remembered. I’ll touch base with some people tomorrow and see if we can reproduce the issue.
For me I can tell that it’s fixed, it survived 2 or 3 relogs at least so far.
I deleted my local.dat and it seems to be saving the setting now. So maybe that file was bugged somehow
I deleted my local.dat and it seems to be saving the setting now. So maybe that file was bugged somehow
That’s possible yes. I even have thought about suggesting something like that.