Hello everyone, I have a big problem. Before I can explain the bug itself, I need to explain what happened beforehand.
I was just doing the daily kills with my ranger and when I was finished I went to the Heart of the Mists to get to LA for free. When I entered the Mists, my client started lagging (the kind of lag when everything around you stops but your character can keep walking. after some seconds, an error message appears and throws you back to character select).
I walked up to the gate but walked THROUGH it since I was disconnected and the teleportation obviously doesnt work when you have technically no connection. So I walked ahead and fell off the cliff and ended up faceplanting on the mists (you dont fall for ever, there is actually solid ground you land on, you get teleported back to the mists when you are not disconnected but I was disconnected so I was chilling down there for some seconds).
After around 10 seconds, I was thrown back to the character select as expected.
Then I do what I do usually and restart the client. Then I tried to log back in with my ranger but for some reason, the game did not load in – the loading screen flickered between a Lion’s Arch and the Heart of the Mist Loading Screens so apparently I was caught between both loading screens when I lost connection. I waited for 5 minutes but then I noticed that something was wrong. I logged back out to character select and logged in with different characters – every character was able to load in but my ranger can not get past the Heart of the Mists loading screen.
Now I’m sitting here with my Ranger not being able to load into the game. I’m watching the The Heart of the Mists loading screen since 15 minutes now. Please help! I wanna play my Ranger again!