My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Einsof.1457


Whenever I enter the mists, my trait allocations are still there but the actual customization roman numeral traits ALWAYS reset to blank. It’s pretty annoying. This has been going on since launch for me.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Kaj.9067


Same problem here, im playing thief.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: SpoonZie.4061


hi, every time i swap between pve and pvp , and sometimes just if i relog my Character’s traits are cleared (it still has points allocated but the 10 point / 20 point / 30 point traits are cleared and i have to pick them again)

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Fuz.5621


Happens to me as well. Very annoying.

I’m thief too.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Kethryes.5712


Same here
Elementalist here (recorded laughs)
And it is only for 2 traits lines (Fire and Air) that it does it, not the other ones (where I have only one customisable trait, while the ones that reset have two customisable traits)

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Lauder.1467


A lot of the times when I check my traits after a game, or midgame I found that they have been ‘unset’. Aka my Trait “Keen Edge – Use sharpening stone on 75% health” is often just turned off – aka no trait selected for that allocated slot.

You aware?

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: keelaunaw.3285


i was told by anet that the traits purposely reset in spvp for whatever their reason, so its not a bug. so if you continue to do spvp be sure to check them and reset before you do anything. also i was told they would reset to how you had them before you entered the Mists, when you leave. i personally had mine set how i liked them and didnt appreciate having to redo them just for that, but that is the answer from them. they shouldnt force people to make changes to things they are happy with, so i rarely if at all do spvp any more. i just go to wvw instead.

Never got bored with an MMO faster than GW2. Took 4mos.

(edited by keelaunaw.3285)

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Fuz.5621


I think that only the second and tier traits reset.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Nuadu.4590


Same problem here, trait allocation is exactly the same in PvE and sPvP, and all major traits are blank each time i log in and go to the mists.

This problem seem to be there since at least 4 weeks ago. About time for a fix.

(edited by Nuadu.4590)

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: deapee.7516


Only on my necromancer. Every time I click “Go to the heart of the mists” I go in and my traits are reset. Just the ones you select though…like it remains at 30/20/0/0/20 or whatever, but you have to reselect all the traits that you’ve chosen.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Nighteyes.3879


Same issue for me, I reported a in game bug report.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: panzerpanduh.9680


yea this is super annoying. happens every time you zone into heart of the mists (for certain traits) i know a lot of guardian traits get cleared and a few from thief trait lines crit strike and trickery also get cleared.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Zuckerhund.4179


The slotted trait skills that you use in PvE are always missing when you enter the Heart of the Mists and more often than not I forget to re-enable them. So for an example:

In the strength traits if you use berserker’s power and axe mastery in both PvE/PvP entering heart of the mists removes those two traits. If I used two different ones in PvE after putting those in PvP and I re-enter the mists they retain an equipped status.

Kind of annoying, and it certainly seems like a bug.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Shadow.2094


Like it’s said in title…. every time i enter the mists my traits(the selectable ones) go back to nothing selected. this is getting frustrating as i use the same char for pve and pvp which makes me sometimes fight without traits until i realise it’s missing something…

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Gatemoth.1832


Character: Terribadmiral
On one of my characters, some of the traits that are selected— the powers not the point distribution— reset every time he relogs and enters pvp.

This happens even after traits have been reset and different trait builds selected. The particular traits that are resetting right now are the first and third Radiance points and the second virtues point.
When I was using a different spec it was different locations.

This is only for one character.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: DigitalWarrior.7280


This happens for me as well, with my first character. It doesn’t seem to effect newer characters from what I’ve noticed.

Home World: Tarnished Coast
Arnbjorn Ulfarsson – Warrior
Tarja Ulfarsdottir – Ranger

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Makismo.6831


Only happens on the character I made on launch day, everyone else seems to be fine.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Luxer.7630


Same problem here. :/ Gets annoying after each login…

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

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Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Since the patch last Tuesday the game has stopped saving my traits I use to sPvP in the Mists.

As a Thief, I constantly have to re-select my traits fro the Poisons and the Critical Strikes tree. This only happens the first time I enter the Mists and then it seems to work fine until I re-enter again after being in PvE.

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jason King.2647

Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

Thanks for the reports! We’ve documented and are investigating this issue.

ArenaNet Community Team
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My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sas.4215


With the engineer every time I enter a spvp battle ( even when just map changing in a spvp server ) the traits for Incendiary Powder ( Explosives Tree ), Hair Trigger and Rifled Barrels ( Firearms Tree ) either disable or do something else just as strange.

In the first screenshot Hair Trigger and Rifled Barrel, of the Firearms tree, are in the wrong positions, you cannot put a VI ( Hair Trigger ) in a 10 slot. Yet somehow the 10 and 20 slot traits of firearms like to switch and when they do one of them gets disabled. I would think the VI ( Hair Trigger ) in a 10 slot would most of the time but it does not. Usually it is the IV ( Rifled Barrel ) that gets disabled.

In the second screenshot, is how I set up my traits before every map start. Otherwise they wont be enabled and by the map change they either look like the first screenshot or Incendiary Powder and Rifled Barrel are disabled with Hair Trigger in the 10 slot again.

EDIT: Second screenshot was the wrong one. Should be fixed now.


(edited by Moderator)

My spvp traits always reset when entering the mists [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Hey, this bug has a month already. Still happening.

EDIT: Tested and was rested, tested again and didn’t reseted, maybe is fixed now?

(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)