Mystic Forge + Seraph Inscription
Ascended armor bought from the PVP vendor also cannot be mystic forged to change stats. In case you are wondering why it is an issue since it has all HoT stats available, it does not include the new Seraph stats. Also, sometimes people might misclick. See link below -
(edited by OliverT.9021)
Ascended armor bought from the PVP vendor also cannot be mystic forged to change stats. In case you are wondering why it is an issue since it has all HoT stats available, it does not include the new Seraph stats. Also, sometimes people might misclick. See link below -
The PvP-bought armor issue is on the list of bugs about to be fixed (it’s not on the Curated Issue Tracker, but it’s been mentioned elsewhere that they are ready to deploy a fix).
The Seraph inscription issue is new, however.
QA Embed
Hey guys! The issue with the weapons not changing to Seraph in the Mystic Forge is known. A fix is being looked into, but I cannot provide an eta on when that will be out.
Concerning the PvP vendor armor not stat adjusting either – as Illconceived pointed out – there is a fix being prepped (I verified this with the PvP team as well). I can’t give an eta on when it will be out at this time.
Thank you guys for the reports!
Oops, I forgot to add the usual disclaimer that the implementation date was tbd.
Thanks for updating us about the bug that has the white mantle corrupting the seraph inscription.