[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


I was 700 in the soloq leaderboard.

After logging into the game – A game I had not queued for pop’d. I joined and I was alone in skyhammer.

No one in my team, no one in enemy team. So I capped the 3 points to win fast, because I couldn’t leave the game

After winning I checked the leaderboards and… surprise.

The game counted as a win HOWEVER I got this new ladder position: 0%
please fix this mess

tldr; after 1 game I won I lost all my positions and now I’m 0%


Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015


Thanks for the report, Reroll. We’re investigating.

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Thanks for the report, Reroll. We’re investigating.

Thank you grouch, any chance my ladder position is restored?

Up Rerroll

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015


Try playing another game and waiting for the leaderboard to update again.

That should hopefully resolve the issue. Let me know what happens!

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


I played 1 single game and lost it (everyone is clueless at 0%, this is a nightmare to play really). And I improved from 0% to 10%. This is crazy.

If you guys can’t fix this please restart my position to none, i’ll glady play from scratch but not in this % hell. It’s a really gamebreaking situation for me, since I only soloq.

Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015

Hey Reroll,

I let the team know you’re still having the same issue. When I get an update, I’ll make sure to let you know.

Thank you for your patience!

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


thanks, grouch. I hope you guys can fix this asap.

edit: imo the issue was caused because I was queued for solo arena when the EU log in servers crashed earlier.

Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083



this guy is experiencing the same issue. An update on this topic would be nice

Up Rerroll

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: starcraft zergling.1962

starcraft zergling.1962

Exact same problem happened to me with the euro server crash.


Sent a ticket on support website + in game bug report.

Waiting for a fix.

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frikazo.6248


This bugs are just ridiculous.

Anet please fix it naow!

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


any news? :8

Up Rerroll

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


not fixed yet, :S

Up Rerroll

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: starcraft zergling.1962

starcraft zergling.1962

Sum up of the situation with a suggested way to solve the problem:

The server crash caused a glitched game to come, where there was no opponents and no allies.

The rating calculation for this glitched game made the rating return a value of 0.

Fix the consequences:
Watch in your database for people who complained about losing all their rating. Manually set this value to what it was before by using the value you find in your backup database (prior game crash).

Fix the cause to avoid future problems:
Have a programmer look at the source code where the rating is calculated and let him do his job.

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Sum up of the situation with a suggested way to solve the problem:

The server crash caused a glitched game to come, where there was no opponents and no allies.

The rating calculation for this glitched game made the rating return a value of 0.

Fix the consequences:
Watch in your database for people who complained about losing all their rating. Manually set this value to what it was before by using the value you find in your backup database (prior game crash).

Fix the cause to avoid future problems:
Have a programmer look at the source code where the rating is calculated and let him do his job.

^good post

I can’t believe it takes so long to restore 2 users rating :/

I’ve already reached 40% (from 0%) and I may work to get my old position back. But I don’t want to work through this hell to see my rating destroyed again by a random crash now that i see you guys cannot fix it

Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jony.6815


any news? now im afraid to play because i dont want to lose my rating to a random bug

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: savov.3712


It’s not random bug. Looks like their rating algorithm is broken when it comes to “empty” matches, where you play alone or with only 1-2 more players.
I got something similar to starcraft – had joined a game, but midgame got an update. After the restart I was 2v3, so I lost and dropped from top~300(to wich I got with ELEMENTALIST in this kittening meta!) to the 80%s in a single game. After that it just snowballed to 60%s because I got 6-7 bad matchups in a row…
Hope for a fix, but doubt they will do anything about it, so I’ll have to reroll some meta build and carry the r20 teams i get…

[NOT FIXED] Leaderboard position crazy bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


It’s not random bug. Looks like their rating algorithm is broken when it comes to “empty” matches, where you play alone or with only 1-2 more players.
I got something similar to starcraft – had joined a game, but midgame got an update. After the restart I was 2v3, so I lost and dropped from top~300(to wich I got with ELEMENTALIST in this kittening meta!) to the 80%s in a single game. After that it just snowballed to 60%s because I got 6-7 bad matchups in a row…
Hope for a fix, but doubt they will do anything about it, so I’ll have to reroll some meta build and carry the r20 teams i get…

what build do you play ?

Up Rerroll