NPC AI and personal story instances

NPC AI and personal story instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katajakasa.1274


This post is actually about a few bugs that are – in a way – linked.

Friendly NPC’s in personal story missions almost never seem to get targeted by enemy groups when you engage them. Instead, all enemies seem to first target the only human player in the party, only disengaging after you’re dead. When you run back (sometimes very long distances!), your friendly npc’s are died, and you’re either left to deal with tens of enemies yourself, or if not, suddenly the enemies notice you and gank you again! I understand challenge, but this seems a bit too much. Wouldn’t it be also more realistic, if the enemy group would split up to handle all your group ?

This also makes the downed state completely irrelevant. The enemy groups will not stop hitting you until you are dead, and friendly npc’s don’t care what happens to you. I’ve only seen a couple of instances in which a friendly npc bothered to attempt to resurrect me in a downed state, and in both of those cases they ran into AoE spell to do so. Mostly the downed state just feels like a cruel joke, like “Hey, let’s give them some hope of getting up again, and then crush them with tons of enemies!”, and waste of time which could be better spent by running back from checkpoint.

In this one quest where i have to kill the dragon’s mouth guy, it’s pretty clear that the friendly NPC’s don’t know how to avoid AoE effects, because they all die horribly and quickly. Then, after i’ve dealt some damage to the enemy, they all suddenly respawn. Err, what happened ? Perhaps Dwayna caught my prayers (or curses) and decided to resurrect them … ?

Also, playing a squishy ranged class in a tight space is very annoying. In some quests where you have to go to small tunnels to kill bosses, the boss locks always onto you, and there is no room to avoid it or kite it without the camera going completely insane (with sometimes models disappearing etc.), the character getting stuck to terrain or the boss suddenly deciding to reset.

Right. This rant was produced right after trying three times to do “Against the corruption” with Trahearne getting stuck in the tombs and/or me getting ganked by all hostile npc’s when the ambush happens. Then again, perhaps they didn’t like my meteor showers. Kinda makes AoE spells feel completely useless btw, since they’ll just get you killed. Maybe I’ll just keep spamming Fireball.

Don’t get me wrong, though. I love this game, and the story so far has been awesome. It’s just that these minor things make the game very tedious and frustrating at times.

NPC AI and personal story instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gwaiyn.4395


I always thought the point of the NPCs were to have extra firepower as opposed to having something tank for you

as for the downed state, I thought that system was for tiny mistakes that you make or if something like poison is killing you after you defeated all your enemies, so your not immediately forced to go back and repair your gear if you die from DoTs

Edit: also, since gw2 is an mmo and not a single player game, it would really help to bring friends and allies along, i’m sure your guild members would be more than happy to assist

Gwaiyn – 80 Thief
Ryfaul – 80 Warrior
Fluene – 80 Mesmer

NPC AI and personal story instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sajuuk Khar.1509

Sajuuk Khar.1509

I would also like to note that through testing, I have found that allied NPCs, both in dungeon, and story missions, have a habit of doing literally zero damage.

NPC AI and personal story instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Katajakasa.1274


I always thought the point of the NPCs were to have extra firepower as opposed to having something tank for you

I thought the men and women in huge steel armor were supposed to keep enemies occupied while long range characters fire from the back row, not the other way around.

as for the downed state, I thought that system was for tiny mistakes that you make or if something like poison is killing you after you defeated all your enemies, so your not immediately forced to go back and repair your gear if you die from DoTs

So did I.

Edit: also, since gw2 is an mmo and not a single player game, it would really help to bring friends and allies along, i’m sure your guild members would be more than happy to assist

I’m sure they would, if they were at the same level as I, or if they played at the same times as I, or if the game would allow it. Last time I tried to assist a friend in personal story, we could find no way to make it happen (in other words, to let me in the same instance).

NPC AI and personal story instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aTx.8309


I would like to add a fairly annoying bug i found, during the story quest Against the Corruption, i found that if Trahearne is killed at the Risen Abdomination, he will refuse to continue to follow you once he is revived and he will stay there making it impossible to finish the mission.

NPC AI and personal story instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mouse.9864


I have had same problem with Trahearne in the level 62 Norn personal story quest. If he gets downed, he just refuses to move from the spot after he has been revived.