As an asura, I do this all the time.”
NPC animation bug in Rata Sum
“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
This post is a bump
“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
This post is a bump
“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
It’s a sad day when asura emotes don’t work. It was the only thing they had left, and now it is gone. Please fix this, you’ll make a golem cry.
Community Coordinator
Thread bumping is not allowed. Closing this thread as this issue has been reported.