Necromancer: Bug Collection

Necromancer: Bug Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eek.4810


The lack of regen bothers me but it could be intentional, I guess. One thing I’ve noticed that may be a bug is that not all pets heal from staff 2’s ally regen. The only one I’ve been reliably able to heal is flesh golem. I haven’t checked if the other heal skills work on everything but it’s kind of a bummer that you can’t heal all your pets in or out of combat which means sometimes you’ll go into a battle with limp pets and end up with CDs to start the battle.

Also re: minions attacking, I’ve also had instances where I’d be attacking an enemy and they will just stand there upwards of 5 seconds watching me fight.

Necromancer: Bug Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tabarjabah.8130


Dropping Mark of Blood on a critter to proc regen on your minions out of combat helps a lot. Water Sigil’s on weapons seem to proc heals on them too. Their AI is still horrible and I will just stay far away from them until this is resolved. The Reanimator trait that summon a Jagged Horror is rather useless. Sometimes it will distract a mob and give you a breather, but most of the time I find it pulling mobs out of wells or running off to aggro nearby mobs…and then it die from it’s own degeneration.

Necromancer: Bug Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daethz.2417


-Necros pulling more threat than most other classes putting them at a major disadvantage due to the harsh nature of the repair system.

I have also noticed Pet’s suck, if you redo your spec & ignore pets like i did my DPS and survivability drastically increased. I’m currently 30/30/0/0/10
Thinking about going blood for the critical heal, since im sick of dying i want to stack armor, health and hp drains.

(edited by Daethz.2417)

Necromancer: Bug Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


So I’m a 100% condition mancer spec, with nearly all exotic gear equipped.

I can only get like 10 bleeds max on a mob when fighting them, that’s with using a scepter.

Is this normal? I’m pretty sure the thief gets more than this don’t they?

Minions aren’t attacking normally as people have stated. Would be nice if we could get a control feature for our minion… especially in WVW… they just run off and die… it’s lame.

Necromancer: Bug Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jason King.2647

Jason King.2647

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Thanks for the reports, everyone. While we’ve noted the bugs mentioned in this thread, please make a separate thread for each bug you’re seeing in the future. We’re frequently sending thread links to specific people who may not be able to address the other bugs you’re reporting, which makes lists of bugs less helpful.

While I’m going to lock this thread, we appreciate the help finding bugs, so please keep reporting them! Thanks!

ArenaNet Community Team
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