Necromancer's Pets stand IDLE while player is in combat. Bug since beta not fixed.

Necromancer's Pets stand IDLE while player is in combat. Bug since beta not fixed.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FAT KONAN.8501


I’ve submitted several bug reports with screenshot attached since beta about this issue and nothing has been done so far.

In order to this bug to be reproduced properly some patience is needed. The Flesh Golem and The Shadow Fiend pets from the necromancer are the ones that stand idle most during combat but it also happens with the other pets.

When the pets are summoned they assist on the necromancer’s target but after 3 or 4 fights the pets start to stand IDLE while in combat at random intervals.

Please, it is so easy to fix. Give the necromancer the ability to attack the target THE PLAYER WANTS, just like F1 for the Ranger pet attack command and the F3 stop combat return to me

Necromancer's Pets stand IDLE while player is in combat. Bug since beta not fixed.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zymosis.9283


I agree.

And sometimes pets attack mobs not even targeted by necromancer but just randomly start attacking.

This also happens in PvP, thus making them useless since they don’t assist.

Necromancer's Pets stand IDLE while player is in combat. Bug since beta not fixed.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


Agreed. Sometimes the flesh golem just sits there and does nothing. This actually happens quite frequently.

Necromancer's Pets stand IDLE while player is in combat. Bug since beta not fixed.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mcdeady.2019


My Flesh Golem tends to go on murder sprees in the opposite direction, only returning when its sated its bloodlust or dies. My other minions tend to just kind of hang around and stare off into space. I’m starting to think they’ve lost all respect and are conspiring to assassinate me during combat.

Necromancer's Pets stand IDLE while player is in combat. Bug since beta not fixed.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Feathers.7261


This is also happening to me… of course…
pets stand idle while in battle and flesh golem murders everything without me attacking… so boring and useless…

is it nomal that pets cant heal out of combat? only flesh golem…