Network Error on World Transfer

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChaosEvaUnit.2693



A friend of mine is trying to change to my world. Each time he tries, he get the confirmation window and once he clicks Transfer he gets a Network Error.
So I tried to change to his server and the same issue. And then we all tried to change to a different server and the same issue again.

We have no issues with DCing or any network issues whilst playing the game, only when we try to make a World Transfer.

Are World Transfers currently down or something?

(edited by Moderator)

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChaosEvaUnit.2693



Ok, the team is in full swing to address this. Thanks again for your reports and for your patience. We should have this fixed in… as long as it takes the team (which is usually not long at all).

OP approves of this!
We are successfully transferred!
Once again with the great and punctual work by ANet <3

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calysto.7469


So, my guild transferred to a new server, only to find out that the PvP ruining guild, applied known as Ruination (RUIN) was on that server, and now we’re transferring again. I’m attempting to transfer, have 4x’s now, and every time when I hit transfer, I get a popup saying Network Issues, then it closes the game like it’s transferring, but when I log back in, I’m still on the same server, every time.

Any ideas from the support team?

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Infinity.1728


Yea same for me getting a pop up saying something about check your internet connection then i get kicked out.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Mortian.3650


same problem for me, network error 3032 when i try to change server from FoW to Aurora Glade

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Melkor.9723


Ditto! Wanted to transfer from Blacktide to FS. When I hit the Tranfer botton on the Pop up dialog I get:
Network Error. Please check you Internet connection and try again. (Code = 3032:1002:3:4095:101)

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Radamanth.3084


Good to know I’m not the only one with the problem. Hope they get it up and running soon.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Gatto.5168


Yeah my wife just got her account back. The hacker moved her to a European server and now she is trying to transfer back to her normal server. She is getting the same problems, network errors, ect. I told her to give it a few more minutes.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Calysto.7469


Would be nice if we could get some support team answers

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Kariknu.1069


The support team’s lack of an answer concerns me… I, too, am having this issue.. A friend transferred servers and it took my guild (which I am leader of, still.) so when I did the transfer, it locked me out saying it was being processed.. upon completion, I’m still on my old server and suffer from error 3032.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Azrael Demina.9125

Azrael Demina.9125

Same problem here. Especially annoying as i’m now unable to go do some dungeons with my guildies.

All for a bugged skillpoint :/

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: ixl.7190


Same problem, keep getting error code, also had same experience as Kariknu a few mins ago.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Nyjacky.8369


same problem… Please fix

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calysto.7469


Took me a long time to get logged in this time, and the transfer didn’t pop up the network issue, but now my game is locked up on the Transfer window right after I hit the transfer button. Is that considered progress?

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Calysto.7469


I lied, just tabbed back in game and had the network error popup.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Leek.9143


I am having the same issue as you. i switched servers this morning to try and get the bugged skill point in malachors leap, couldnt transfer back intime before the servers went down. Just got back from work and tried to go back to my normal server and having exactly the same issue as you. trouble is im now stuck on a french server and i dont speak the language!

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calysto.7469


Support team, where aaaaare youuu?

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Dieallknow.1387


It seems to be down, which is not really Surpriseing cause they fix something then they break more par for the course! #headondesk

[IIII] Playing from Prison
“Lets take the green keep I need the Vista”
“Quit Laughing I need the Vista”

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChaosEvaUnit.2693


Could be a general issue with high server traffic, I’m not too sure.
Would be great if we could get some feedback as to whether this is a known issue, or an issue with at least a few people.

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dieallknow.1387


4 guildies tried and all got the same error

[IIII] Playing from Prison
“Lets take the green keep I need the Vista”
“Quit Laughing I need the Vista”

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Curuglas.1847


Same issue here… Yesterday it worked fine to visit, now it’s broken… sigh

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Viking.7689


Same here, been waiting for 2 hours to get back. But nothing yet

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calysto.7469


I just want to join my guild on our new server, and to get the heck off of Eredon Terrace where the RUIN guild is doing everything they can to ruin WvW, including breaking multiple TOS rules about server swapping to recruit and sit on siege so they can’t be used, done by their guild leader no less.

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

I have this issue too. I want to get to Piken Square, where my friends are, but the game has decided it’s not going to allow me to do so…

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Oglar.2651


same here was working yesterday, but not today.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Zexus.9624


I tried many times to do a transfer and it worked but when i came back online i was in the same world

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mortian.3650


they wrote on facebook and twitter officials that they are working to resolve issues with world transfers, let’s hope they do it soon

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asherzzz.2714


same here , lets hope this is sorted soon

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tercian.5709


First they broke the dungeon system.
And now they broke the world transfer.

lol this will be delete soon because Anet dont like it when I express my opinion on the forum so they censor.

Keep it going guys, now gw2 is starting to sink.

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alderon.5139


First they broke the dungeon system.
And now they broke the world transfer.

lol this will be delete soon because Anet dont like it when I express my opinion on the forum so they censor.

Keep it going guys, now gw2 is starting to sink.

It should be deleted because it’s completely baseless fear-mongering. GW2 is currently experiencing some of the highest concurrency of any MMO on the market, ever.

On topic, I’m also stuck on a server with no way out. I’m in the UK but I work shifts, while I work nights I switched to a US server, now I can’t get back to my EU one.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Hyral.4168


Same problems here.

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TeelRebu.7538


Having the same issues, can not transfer worlds without a network error.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: XSinCaraX.9267


Please fix tears

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I will move this to the Bugs Forum, but send an email to see if this is a known issue.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TeelRebu.7538


The Error Code I’m getting is, “Code=3032:1002:3:4095:101”

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vegetation.6419


I’ve transfered server to see if the skillpoint was bugged in anotehr server than mine. I was in Yak’s Bend. So I went to Devona’s Rest to see that it was bugged there too and when I was about to transfer back to Yak’s Bend it wouldn’t let me because the server was full. Now today it isn’t full and I tried to join it and I get the network error code=3032. This is annoying and I want to get back with my friend to play tonight, because it will surely be full tonight.

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Ok, the team is in full swing to address this. Thanks again for your reports and for your patience. We should have this fixed in… as long as it takes the team (which is usually not long at all).

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vegetation.6419


Thank you! I’ll go back to GW1 while waiting for this correction

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Alphaone.6345


+1 Glad to see the quick response by anet.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: WhiteFang.6045


It didn’t work for me either, now seems to be fixed (since I posted this), cuz i xfered world.

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Osiris.3094


so seems to be fixed but the world transfer is taking much longer than normal and now i can’t log into the game. But at least i don’t get the error anymore

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vegetation.6419


Can’t login either, it says my server transfer is processing. Weird, cau,se it’s been like that for 10 minutes

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Curuglas.1847


Now, after transferring back home, it’s either Error 42:4:7:336 or World transfer still being processed (Error 1032:6:2:2114)?

Network Error on World Transfer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VooDooU.4891


I wasn’t changing servers but all of a sudden when attempting to waypoint I am getting these same bugs, and its alternating between cant log in to cant access the log in server when I select my character. code =42:5:7:878:101

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Osiris.3094


Well world transfer was done but when i tried to log on i was still on my old world.

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Plunderin.8702


doesnt seem to be fixed for me, no i sit at the gem screen for a bit and then i get a network error code=3032:1002:3:4095:101

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Vegetation.6419


the processing finally ended, but i’m still in the world I was before transfering…

Network Error on World Transfer

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Posted by: Plunderin.8702


now it worked, strange