New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: MilConDoin.3420


Today I did the new JP (Winter Wonderland?) again. Last time I did it was yesterday well after the daily rest. Today i zoned there a few minutes before the reset. My successful run started 10 minutes after that reset. The chest was empty! Nothing in it.
Then I zoned to LA and back in. Did it again after a few tries and got only the 3 gifts for multiple runs per day.
Can you please send me the missing loot from the successful run?. Thanks.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Turial.1293


Loot “may” have been disabled due to botters exploiting the JP chest but fingers crossed for an official response.

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New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: TRON.1085


Same here just did the puzzle and open chest and got zero rewards.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Herpmaster.5491


same issue here, completed JP and nothing out of chest, completed again and got 3 gifts.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Exterminans.9723


Happens when you run the JP too fast. If you skip certain parts of the JP, you will trigger the botting protection, rendering the chest emtpy.

If you are that fast, wait on the last steps until you health is down to no more than 30% before performing the final jump.

(Note the Anet Team: No need to delete this post. This is well known and the bots already have adapted. Again… First there was no protection, then it was “touch the box and you get ported to LA” and now it is “chest stays empty if health above 30%”.)

(edited by Exterminans.9723)

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: TRON.1085


This is a bloody joke. Sort it out Anet, punishing players for being too good or too fast or because of botters is unacceptable.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


Because of that “protection” it is often impossible to get chest and be on time for the next run → you have to wait whole next run in wait area…

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New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Katlan.6301


so basically afk for a few minutes so you lose a few times. because when I do it on my first run I get nothing. got it. And why is this botting protection? You get a booster and a karma jug on the first attempt…

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Robin Da Poor.6281

Robin Da Poor.6281

As per usual they want you to grind for your karma….. anything out the chest is account bound apart from presents so again how can this be a botting protection??

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New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Huyzee.4013


same thing is happening to me and a couple of buddies. We’ve been doing the JP daily and just yesterday we didnt receive anything on our first run on the JP. The second and third time we ran it we only got the Giant Wintersday Gift(s).

Honestly, I’m only doing it for the karma loot. Any dev looked into this?

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Neikius.9345


This is clearly not true.

I had 1500 hp when I completed the run, that is around 10% of my hp.

I am quite disappointed… and I was promoting this game to all my friends.

There are quite a few topics regarding this too. Any official response?

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: kyo.1537


I just got this “bug” again, second time. It is really annoying to get an empty box for the effort. Losing a booster and a bottle of karma.

To my observation, I completed it with someone ahead of me. Not sure if there is a bug to the chest that while in the same instance, if the chest looted by other player first, then you will loot an empty box.

As for the “touching the box at the finishing end and got port to LA”, do not jump onto the edge of the box and slide down. You will take damage and die, resulting you to port to LA. Instead, aim and jump into the void of the box.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: pngs.3798


I Just did the puzzle and the chest was empty.
I did it again and I got only 3 presents…
Really annoying.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Shikigami.4013


There have been posts about this before but I think not in the bugs forum where it seems indeed to belong.

I have also already had this experience, finished the puzzle, opened the chest for the first time on that day and got absolutely nothing. I stood there and said that the chest was totally empty in /s chat and the guy next to me who came through a second after me said that he also got a completely empty chest. On the next run I got my usual 3 presents.

I am often very fast with my runs as I have a lot of practice already, but I do not recall if the empty chest was on an extremely fast run.

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New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: TRON.1085


Any word on this?

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Robius.5413


got an empty chest too

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Dr Malcolm.9082

Dr Malcolm.9082

This has happened to me 3 times, on 3 separate days. I am not particularly fast, but it has even happened even during runs that are slower than normal.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Shikigami.4013


Logged in 10 mins ago to do the jumping puzzle, finished it, got an empty chest. So I missed my daily reward for it yet again, come on I cannot be that fast every time that the game would confuse me with someone teleporting there? What am I supposed to do, wait outside for 10 seconds before jumping in, so that I miss the next run when porting back to the starting area?? This is getting really annoying, regardless if it is a real bug or some kind of very badly implemented exploiting protection.

Also there is no official statement in ANY of the many posts about this weather this has been acknowledged as a bug, or if there is any way to prevent it from happening. I cant help but feeling ignored.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
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New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: tmorrow.5189


This has happened to me 3 times now. It is majorly iriritating that we haven’t had an official response yet on why it is happening and what is being done to fix it.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Mallet.9280


i also get the empty chest in special JP on sever time 6.30! and this is my first time today!

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: DragonFly.6208


I just got an empty chest from the jp first time it happened to me
Did not got the daily ,did the jp again and got only 3 gifts

(edited by DragonFly.6208)

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Psiclone.3918


Just wanted to add my name to the list. Finished the JP on my 3rd try today. I only had about 2k health which is about 10% of my total. Opened the chest and voila! Nothing…

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Matrix.7892


I’ve been doing this JP run every single day, and i’ve figured it out. The only 2 runs when i did not get my daily i’ve done shortly after 1am(time when server resets – well here atlast). Other runs i’ve done early in the morning or afternoon and i’ve always got my reward.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Shikigami.4013


Cannot confirm the “time of day” theory. Server reset is at 1am my time too but I know I did at least one run with empty chests around 8pm.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Mechi.5102


Two times in three days and neither were close to server reset (I do my runs after 10 am) and I didn’t run fast (~15% HP left). Never had any problems before christmas, and I ran every day, so why this now?

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: graywing.6125


It’s bugging out for everybody on whiteside ridge at this moment.. this is the third time this has happened to my character.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Joukehainen.5148


Happened to me again today, this is the fourth day it’s happened, so that’s four awards of the day missed. -.-

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Just happened to me for the first time. I was very low on hp at the end… under 1k hp. Got no rewards what so ever -.-

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New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: tmorrow.5189


Happened to me today. 4th time I’ve completed it first time for the day and gotten the empty chest. Finished with 2k life. Problem has only been since christmas. Why can’t arenanet look at this? The event isn’t around for a long time after all. People are getting annoyed after spending much time to even finish the puzzle and then getting absolutely nothing after all that time. Infuriating.

New Jumping Puzzle - empty chest on daily run

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Posted by: Neikius.9345


Yes, this happens usually shortly after 1am.

Happened like that to me twice already.

But today I did it at 3:30 am and it happened again. To me and to at least one more guy just after me!