New inventory window bug/glitch

New inventory window bug/glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


Everytime i close and re-open my inventory, the window resets to its Default size and position.

Everytime i drag the window to the right of my screen, and stretch it so that it fits from top to bottom.
But i might stop bottering.
When i close and later open my inventory again, its a square in the middle of my screen again. :-\

New inventory window bug/glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Yes, I saw it happening several times but I couldn’t realize when so I could repeated and reproduce it. But I have seen it happening, it was 10 slots per row and 7 rows height after closing and then 3 per row with 3 or 4 rows height and in the middle of my screen when reopened. I believe it would happen if inventory is clipped off screen partially when you close it.

New inventory window bug/glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


The next day it was mysteriously gone/solved.

I have had this happen before to me.
No idea what causes it, and it also usually solves itself after a little while.
Really weird.

New inventory window bug/glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Supposedly it is a safety precaution to prevent players from “losing” their windows in the event they are dragged off-screen. It is to prevent the issue of people contacting support or posting here and stating that their windows are missing.

However, you do not need to move much of the window off-screen for the window reset to kick in. If more than a few pixels of the window are off-screen then the system thinks you have accidentally moved the whole thing off-screen and it resets it to default.

It’s horrible, especially since there is so much wasted space taken up by the excessive and pointless borders of the windows and we cannot even hide those elements by moving them off-screen a little bit.

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New inventory window bug/glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


So i gave it a try.
I was not capable of dragging the Inventory window completely of screen.
At every side some part of the window just wouldnt move off screen.
I also closed a nearly fully off screen window and re-opened it several times.
The nearly fully off screen window re-opened at the exact same place, end was the exact same size (checking the size after dragging the window fully into the screen).

I am willing to believe though that the bug/glitch i had the first day after the latest patch, is related to this safety precaution.
Although i cannot get this safety precaution to work (manually).

EDIT: Hmm, it actually does this now, when i enlarge my inventory window to the point that a (little) part goes off screen.
So, thats it then, dont make the window to big that it goes off screen

(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)