New legendary effects on charr

New legendary effects on charr

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Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

I’m not really a fan of legendary weapons, but when Astralaria was first teased and subsequently released, I thought I finally found the one grossly expensive weapon I’d like to make.

I mean, look at this, what is there not to like:

Took six months, some fun, some grinding, and I finally have a legendary axe window to the outer space. However, my joy only lasted five minutes, when I noticed that once again, as a charr player, I’m on the unpleasant end of “shiv them in the face with glitchy graphics” spectrum.

Because while humanoid races tease me with that nice glowing arm effect, I get… essentially a cloud of blue mold around my biceps area.

Since it’s been over three years and my Soul of Koda is still clipping through my tail, I can hardly hope for a fix of this, since charr kind of get to count on this happening.

So, while I was planning to get Chuka & Champawat next, I can now say I’m not about to (although the quest bound to it is genuinely fun so far), since I’m not willing to risk having to once again go through the least fun and most arduous process in the whole game (hello, 250 Amalgamated Gemstones) to get something I’m more than likely enough to have screwed just for the fact I’m not playing a human.

Thanks a lot.


New legendary effects on charr

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Posted by: Crossaber.8934


This is terrible, for the amount of time and gold sinked into crafting the legendary, this situation deservse attention from Dev.

New legendary effects on charr

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Posted by: jacceb.7918


Same goes for the nevermore arm effect, but more around the elbow area

New legendary effects on charr

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Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Ugh. How annoying. If it were me I’d make a ticket to discuss it directly as well as making a bug report. I hope they fix that.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

New legendary effects on charr

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Posted by: Jaken.6801


Well, seems like they have to adjust the effects again

New legendary effects on charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: femalehumanmeta.8351


It looks like the arm aura is half there. It might be because of the effect lod option in the graphics setting. Unchecking it should fix it if that is the problem. The downside of course, is all the effects spam you’ll be seeing from other players.

It’s a huge oversight for effect lod to be culling legendary effects for the person with the legendary. I’m fine with other people not seeing my legendary effects, but I’d like to see them all the time with effect lod checked please.

New legendary effects on charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

It looks like the arm aura is half there. It might be because of the effect lod option in the graphics setting. Unchecking it should fix it if that is the problem. The downside of course, is all the effects spam you’ll be seeing from other players.

It’s a huge oversight for effect lod to be culling legendary effects for the person with the legendary. I’m fine with other people not seeing my legendary effects, but I’d like to see them all the time with effect lod checked please.

Nope, I can confirm that is not the case. I always play with LOD limit unchecked, since my rig is strong enough to handle it.

I tried fiddling with graphics settings, but nothing I could find brought the change. The effect is still sunken into my arm (made even worse when I put on gloves) and looks like I was just painting my place blue and ended up dirtier than the wall. The size pulses a bit, sometimes it’s slightly bigger, sometimes it’s nonexistent, but the moldy patchwork effect is always present and nothing I do changes anything about it.

New legendary effects on charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pifil.5193


That’s sloppy work. I mean, cmon, there’s no excuse for this.

New legendary effects on charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Wow! I can’t believe they allowed it to be released in that state. I am currently working on the axe and know how much time and money it takes. To have it be just look like crap when you’re all done…