Nightmare Armor Dye Glitch

Nightmare Armor Dye Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

Problem: No matter what, I can’t change the dye of a part of the Heavy Nightmare Armor. A large portion of the armor remains a white/grayish color no matter what colors you dye it. I’m a sylvari and my character’s color is icey so i think that may be part of the problem. This guardian norn standing next to me does not have this problem and is able to fully dye his Nightmare helmet any way he likes.

See attached:

Also, please don’t write this off as a non-issue. This dye problem really bothers me especially since I’ve been wanting this armor set for months. Thanks.

Edit: Furthermore, you know how the helmet has 3 dye boxes? One that is a large rectangle and 2 smaller squares underneath it? Well, when I dye the large rectangle one, a certain part of the helmet changes color but when the guardian norn dyes the large rectangle one, a different part of the helmet’s color changes. This is also part of the problem because for the norn, the rectangle box controls the shading around the eyes, which is the problem area for my sylvari where i cannot change that color. thanks.


(edited by Turbo Whale.1738)

Nightmare Armor Dye Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadowborn.3529


This has been happening for over a month to us OOW people having our armor stuck in red count yourself lucky. We have had no response from ANet about these armor dye problems so dont hold your breath.

(edited by Shadowborn.3529)

Nightmare Armor Dye Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I was wondering about this, too.

My warrior is a male sylvari, and he has had the same issue with the sylvari T3 chest and T2 legs. For me, the un-dyeable areas show up as if they’re supposed to match the sylvari’s skin tone (my warrior’s is a dark bluish-grey).

Matching the sylvari’s skin tone might seem intentional, but I’ve never had that issue with the TA chest or other cultural armor pieces on my sylvari Elementalist, for example, which leads me to believe it may be an issue with the heavy armors.