Nightmare Gear, Heavy Armor, Sylvari Version, Coloring Bug.

Nightmare Gear, Heavy Armor, Sylvari Version, Coloring Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Socka.9537


As the topic says.

More specific:

As you can see on the picture below, the Nightmare gear, Sylvari Heavy Armor have these “green spots” wich can’t be colored at all. (I marked them with Red Circles)
All other races, Human, Norn, Azura, Charr are able to color those “spots”.

The green spots make this gear very ugly when trying to combine diffrent colors because this “green spots” will always be there, will always have green eyes etc.
This looks terrible bad unless you color the whole gear with green colors only.

I find it abit “unfair” towards the Sylvari players if this is intended, because Sylvari is the race wich are the most colorfull, but yet we can’t color this gear as beautifull as all other races.

Short version:

Only the Sylvari Heavy Armor Version of the Nightmare Gear is not working with the coloring system as it should.


Nightmare Gear, Heavy Armor, Sylvari Version, Coloring Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


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