No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Fiery greatsword still routinely fails to show up in my hand when I cast it, especially when I most need it to get away (ie. when getting mobbed by enemies in WvW). Please do further testing on this and deliver a true fix.

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No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: soistheman.7208


When I use fiery greatsward in WvW, most of the time the bug still occurs. When I use it in PvE map, it more likely won’t happen.

Elementalist lover since GW1. It’s the only profession I play!

No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I’ve figured out one of the scenarios where it routinely fails: I use the superior sigil of the geomancer (a weapon swap sigil), and when I am in combat and the sigil is off cooldown, conjuring a weapon triggers the effect of the sigil (a ring of earth bleeding nearby targets). This seems to have the side effect of preventing the weapon from conjuring in my hands.

However, I believe I have encountered the bug without the sigil, though not as frequently.

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No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocolyte.8093


Bumping because I’ve recently started having the same issue in PvE, mainly with Fiery Greatsword, but I don’t use any other summoned weapon. Searching for some posts showed that this bug has been around for a while, has there been any dev response? Just checked and I do have a sigil of geomancy in one of my weapon slots, I guess I’ll try taking out to see if this fixes the problem.

No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kururu.5246


Still not fixed!?
This bug is around from at least 4 months and is caused by the interaction of sigils that activate on swap, like sigil of the hydromancer, and the conjured weapons: when you conjure a weapon and the sigil can be activated, its activation disarms the conjured weapon immediatly after the summon. The only solution is to put the sigil in cooldown swaping attunement before conjuring a weapon.

No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


happened to me today again (first time 3 weeks ago) i cast conjure firey greatword, the sword appears on the ground but NOT in my hands. I’ve noticed that happens only when i cast conjure fiery greatsword and i DO NOT have a staff, it happens always whe i’ve equipped with scepter focus or dagger dagger, but with staff never happens maybe because staff and greatsword are both two hands weapons?

No Conjured Weapon in Hand Bug NOT Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


sorry but no news about this bug?