No Reward Track Points in PvP Private Arena
It depends on how the room owner has it set up, when you look at the room in the list if it now says “No progression” then you won’t get progress on achievements, dailies or reward tracks.
It was not this way before. The options that turned on “no progression” for a custom arena used to only affect rank points, dailies and achievement tracks but not reward tracks.
I haven’t played in a couple months, just came back and played my password protected custom arena with a friend. We used to get progress on our reward tracks at the end of a match but this is no longer occurring. So does anyone know if the “no progression” now includes the reward track progression or if this is due to something else I might be overlooking or perhaps an update I missed over the last couple months?
I also reactivated my custom arena today to play with my new guild and noticed we don’t get any kind of rewards, when we use a password.
Although there always had been the “no progression” sign, it used to still count for dailies or reward some time ago.
Since custom arenas are allowed to farm rank and rewardtracks,
Rewards are time-based now. These players must be in their match for the same amount of time as any other server. We cannot necessarily stop people from ‘playing’ oddly for their fixed amount of rewards unless it’s an actual exploit.
why should my guild be punished for playing normally. I bought the custom arena to play with friends and I don’t want to kick/ban random players all the time, who happen to join our games.