(edited by Smoky.3125)
No Reward from WvW Season 2
I also got no reward at all; other guildies got it w/o problem, so let’s hope we can get it soon too.
I’ve the meta achi and I’m in SFR server..
Anyone having the same problems?
Im from deso i finished meta and also no chest, kittening bugs !!!!
Prnn [dF]
Driven By Fury
no chest fo me too
i’ve noticed that i got achi for taking 1st place but my server got 2nd. I’m from Far shiverpeaks
(edited by Micek.9185)
Nice, so I’m not alone xD
Im Gandara, getting this aswell, tried everything i have been told to do to fix it.
I’m on Whiteside Ridge and have the same problem. All my guildmates got their chest…
No chest for me, tried everything recommended
I figured we wouldnt get the chest until after the season 2 tournament ends today.
also no chest for me
Prnn [dF]
Driven By Fury
I completed the meta, got the 2nd place achievement but no reward chest.
Same here
PS: Two threads for the same issue, can somebody please merge them so we don’t spread?
I didn’t receive the reward for completing the meta achievement, and neither did my husband on either of his two accounts. I thought the reward was supposed to be after the tournament finishes this evening so perhaps the bug is actually people getting the reward earlier than they should.
Nothing for me either, hopefully it’ll turn up soon
You don’t get the reward until after WvW resets this evening.
I didn’t get any reward either :/
WvW reset, meta achievements done and also no reward chest and other people have got theirs
same problem here :/
same problem here :/
They will do a patch for the merchant, hope they will solve this too ^^
In my achievements under WvW -> World vs World I’m listed as 1st Place even though my server was 5th. Didn’t recieve anything, either. WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Veteran achievement completed.
Screen: http://abload.de/img/gw22014-05-3021-04-056iuan.png
Server is Kodash. At the time wvw resetted I was inside an ini, maybe entering/leaving.
(edited by LazyTiger.2069)
Same here, kinda glad its not a separated issue.
I too am missing my chest for my performance in Ruins of Surmia!!!!
I don’t even get a wvw season 2 chest and we won at the 2nd place. my friend got a chest and he also ends at the 2nd place. i didn’t change servers while season was active … pls
Well I didnt get the chest, but the achievement shows as 4th Place when I am on Aurora Glade which was 5th Place, and a friend of mine on the same server his shows as 7th Place with no chest…. Neither of us has moved server since the game started so…. a bit bugged I think
Also didnt get the chest, got the Achievement in the Tab with most likely wrong ranking, and no chest whatsoever. I would appreciate it if this got fixed as soon as possible.
Home World is Kodash[DE]
Same here, I have completed the meta achievement and my world, Piken Square, finished 2nd place. In WvW achievements tab it says it finished 4th place. Also didn’t get reward chest.
Hope they fix it.
Same, got on the achivement page the achivement named 1st place with a chest, it says i already recieved the chest but i noticed i had this achivement last week, so im now currently waiting.
Server Seaferer Rest
So I checked my WvW (not the tournament) achievement tab. It shows an achievement related to a placement for Spring Tournament being awarded and I am still missing my chest, I assume it is not going to appear on its own since the game thinks I already got it when in fact I did not.
Also, interestingly said achievement that was supposed to give me the chest was for the wrong placement (4th, when actually we placed second in our respective league, which the “Battle Historian” NPC so kindly confirms for me).
And no I did not mix up achievements, even though there is one for Season 1 with a very similar title.
Edit: looks like I am not the only one with the “incorrect placement” problem, nor the lack of chests — https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/So-has-everyone-got-the-season-reward-chest/first#post4074860
(edited by Crise.9401)
Same here.. Many people from my server (SFR) already gotten their chest, but nothing on my account. Switched characters, changed maps etc etc.
Under the WvW achievements tab (not the tournament, but the regular WvW achievements), it shows a new achievement for 1st place and the icon for an open chest.
However, I did not receive any reward chest. Already tried relogging, going into WvW and back — nothing works.
Should I open a support ticket?
Playing on Seafarer’s Rest
Ellen! Ellen! She’s our woman! Don’t vote Charr! Elect a Human!
Same here. Ring of Fire.
I was on Far Shiverpeaks for 100% of time in the season. My server was 2nd. In my WvW achievement panel I see that my server was 4th and I got no reward … quite silly.
I’ve done the Meta achievement in first 2 days on the season, please give me my reward ^^
Guardian has no alternative :)
Same here.
I’ve been on Gandara since the game launched. Got the Tournament meta achievement as well as the WVW Torunament 2014 achievment. It also states the reward as “unlocked”. But never got a chest. My sister is on the same server and we played together all the time. She got the chest without any problems.
No chest here either..
Same problem for me as well. All achievements completed, even restarted client. Entered WvW, still nothing.
Same here, wrote a ticket, so I’m just waiting now.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
Same stupid problem here >.>
WvW Tournament ended, Servers resettet
Have Meta Achievement done already like 2 and a half day after the tournament started
Got the Placement Achievement already like a Week before the Tournament was over at all!!!
No reward chest either in my inventory, nor did I receive a mail with it inside
Whats freaking going on here, that half of the games players get their rewards like already a week before the tournaments end, and the other half receives nothing, even when the Tournament is officially over and the Servers have resetted >.>
Same problem here, I’ve got the achievement but no reward chest…
Same here. Completed the Meta a few days after the season started, got the achivement last week but no chest at all.
I ll add my call to the list.
No chest reward for me. My boyfriend got it just when he logged in.
Sfr server here.
I hope mods ll type at least “Sorry guys we’re checking it out”
they are busy launching gw2 in china, who cares about season 2 rewards….
whats more, even when they fix missing chest and fix wrong rewards according to place in league we will still have to wait 1 month to get npc that allow spending wvw tokens
lol lol lol
Got the same problem here. I’ve completed the meta-achievement and have been associated with Gandara since before wvw season 2 began (haven’t transferred during it either). I’m still on Gandara, the general WvW achievement section confirms that I have the “1st Place” achievement since it is unlocked, but no chest for me.
The same.
5 more hours give or take 15 minutes people!
That’s for US. We EU people got the rewards already. Except for those people like me that didn’t.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Same for me, Ruins of Surmia
Same here, Gandara.
Same here, SFR.
Reward please
please reward
same here.
Can we have some feedback please?
Does people need to “register” in this thread to have their reward sent?
Didn’t receive my chest and didn’t get the achievement under the WvW spring tournament.
Elona Reach