No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Kain.7913


We all know overflow servers are what basically makes a game this size work, it’s an awesome technology, but when alot of people get kicked out of their servers and log back on a server that has already finished a one-time event. They get a little frustrated by that fact.

A lot of players, including me, did not have the reward of opening a chest at the end of such a long event. Be it by disconnections on our part, servers transfers to overflows or other issues, huge amounts of people experienced this HORRIBLE bug.

Post here if you endured the lag of your life to enjoy an event this size and got no reward whatsoever. This is not an isolated case, yes, IT DID HAPPEN to a huge share of the playerbase.

This post is not a petition for compensation it’s just a measure to make sure a screw up this size does not happen again.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Katherine.7094


3 Hours to run a Event and could not see it till the end. I hope not subscriptions don`t mean we don`t get any attention from developers. I LOVE YOUR GAME. I wish I could finish the quest from the server I was in at the time instead of being kicked and getting nothing in return.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


I had up to 15 second lag on skills, after the ancient was pretty low the game crashed. Relogged to a server already done with the event. Guild is now linking all their awesome exotic drops and precursors and I got jack kitten. Bet all they will do about it is say sorry and move on. They need to build a team that goes through every bit of data to properly reward players that got screwed.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: AmusingMoniker.3560


I did post on another thread but I suppose I will here too (I have a feeling these will get merged).

I was on at the beginning of the event and played for 2 and a half hours straight only to find my self staring at a loading screen after choosing to waypoint to res. Of course I waited as long as possible before closing the client and restarting only to find myself on a server that already completed the event so I spent all that time to miss the end. Yes I am incredibly disappointed, especially since there are so many raving about what great loot they got. I missed out and I was there. I’m hoping I’ll at least see the Ancient bite it on Youtube but it’s such a small compensation.

I am wondering if Anet can mark the overflow we were on and try to match us up with the same one upon reconnect so we have a fighting chance at completing DE’s that we’ve started.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Where can we expect to see an official response from anet?
This happened to a lot of people, AN can’t just ignore it.

Why not? Theres much more serious issues than a few loot chests in this game and they have no trouble ignoring them.

All is vain.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: IsisDenile.8143


I crashed at the end of the final event and was denied the chest.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Scionfall.6519


Same here – wasted 3 hours of what was initially a good experience turned into a match of endurance against horrible server lag. Game froze when I tried to rez at Captain’s Retreat Waypoint (unending loading screen for over 15 minutes) so I quit and logged back in and when I came back the event was already over on the overflow server I was connected to. No chest!

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: HappyMan.7915


Floor bugged out on me and dropped me into the lava while the karka was still very much alive. Tried to res at a waypoint, couldn’t, now everybody’s finished and I’m stuck with nothing. Very disappointing.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: hgkmaxymus.9321


I crashed too and no chest after all.
I was in the MAIN SERVER, had to DC and get back on an OVERFLOW!


This is MADNESS!!!

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: AndrewR.1508


Same issue happened with me, played in the event for 2ish hours or more and didn’t get a thing because client crashed and the end of the Ancient Karka kill.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Jhorne.4950


I was on overflow, got to the point where we were destroying the web and my character was the only thing rendered on my client. I couldn’t even tab target anything. So, I died. When trying to travel to Captain’s Retreat waypoint to run back and make it in time (hopefully), my client failed to load and after a few minutes, I had to Alt+F4 and relaunch the client to get back in. So, of course the chest was gone by the time I got back. A complete waste of around three hours of my life.

Not only did I not get loot, I only got credit for about 15 karka kills for my monthly.

“An armed society is a polite society.” Robert A. Heinlein

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Iambic Pandameter.3728

Iambic Pandameter.3728

Exact same thing happened to me. Screen froze during the last part of the event and I was placed into another overflow upon relogging. No rewards for my time, no finale.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Aarom.4910


Did event, lost connection after cutting down the tree. Same thing happened to me. No rewards for my time, no finale. And awful lag.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: StarFox.4103


i think about half of us got this bs dc and i think that though i love this game alot i just lost my reason to play or recomend it :/

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Soreena.1492


I crashed as the boss died and got no reward. If this is not corrected/addressed then I will drop this game. I will also return my daughters copy to Amazon. This kind of thing (crash) is not acceptable. I spen 2+ hours and a buch of silver for nothing, and because it’s a stupid one time event I can’t even re-do it.

this is beyond lame.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Lancelot.3927


To me this needs to be fixed because sometimes i froze due to glitch so only thing I can do is log out and in and what happens then get transferred to the other server and I get killed.

If you get kicked or disconnected it should bring you back to were you got disconnected from and on the server you got disconnected from not a different server. If your on overflow you stay on overflow and the server should hold your place for X amount of time lets say 10-30 minutes so you can reconnect and continue were you left off.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Valker.6079


I had lag all threw the event but I toughed it out til the end and after the cut-scene and the ancient Karka fell into the lava I could not move for like 5 minutes and when i finely could move it took like 1 to 2 minutes for any of my actions to work, That includes opening the chest and finely when It does ip and the search option appears the chest disappears and I got nothing for the almost 3 hours I spent on this event… Very disappointing…..

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: MasterZero.5267


same thing has happened to me as well , the game froze, i logged out, log back in and i get no credit.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Nundei.5302


I DCed when chest appeared and couldnt log in and i lsot the reward =___________________________=

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Didnt recieved no ANY rewards at the event’s end. What for I’d spent 2 hrs in that crazy "Sea Food" location?
Give it to my account please!

The whole zone was crazy lagly in that hours, what a reason was to make open-doors-day and one-time event at the same time? ><

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: StarDroid.1038


Well I got disconnected several times but I always got back to the same overflow, but near the end I got transferred to different overflow that had already done the event… Tried to log in and out and got lucky, got a overflow that still was doing that event…
But right before the very end got disconnected and could not get back.
I don’t expect magical “Thank you for doing the event here have the loot” still in the future find a way to fix it, because onetime world events aren’t bad, but disconnecting problems make them pointless and expensive.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: umishi.8124


Same as Scionfall. I tried to rez at a waypoint but was stuck on loading screen. Finally, I heard the event end and waited a bit longer to see if it would finish loading with people leaving the zone. I thought I could possibly loot the chest since it was a 2-3 hour event but I was stuck on loading screen. I ended up logging out and joined the same overflow (had a buddy in party) but there was no chest for me. This was utterly disappointing for me since I hardly received any drops from mobs (only white items). I wish I would have logged out to begin with so I could rejoin the event and get a chance at the chest.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: trianglecubed.3750


Talk about a PR nightmare. All the bugs and issues in this event really overshadowed how good it should have been. I know I wanted to have a couple people playing with me through the free trial to try to get them to actually get the game and play, yet with all the bugs and other issues I actually felt embarrassed suggesting this game as worthy of their time and money. Before the event I figured the bugs were relatively forgivable and easy to just ignore for the most part, yet with such a broken event happening with absolutely no chance of it happening again or anyone getting recompense for the time they put into it I am honestly glad I found other things to do with my friends. This was a huge flop, in my opinion, and I know I won’t again suggest anyone go for this game, at least not for a very long while.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Kaliasin.1405


Just adding my voice to everyone else. Same issue… game decided to hang on the loading screen when I tried to return to a waypoint as I died. By the time I got back on the chest had gone. Feeling extremely frustrated as like most people I took part in this event from the start. I really think they should offer some kind of compensation reward to those of us who had issues because all it’s done is made me want to avoid future events rather than risking wasting my time again!

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: SilverWF.4789


made me want to avoid future events rather than risking wasting my time again!

I think, I’ll avoid to buy gems in the future

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

This is not the quality i have come to expect from anet being a fan for over 7 years.

This event was really poorly planned…. y’all have got to know by now that this game is still filled with bugs… while the idea and the event was very enjoyable adding a epic reward at the end of this thing with the high probability of bugging out, just grieved a large portion of your fan base… had the reward not been outside the normal karma, exp, and silver… you may have not shot yourself in the foot had the reward not been so desirable, you just made alot of people in my guild swear off the game for a good while.

Seriously dropped the ball on this event.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: DoctorStew.5280


I personally enjoy this perfessional code of silence where nobody is getting a response on this gigantic issue

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Stu.5918


Same thing happened to me!

Played the event from the very begining, during the final stages got kicked to an overflow server where the event had already been completed. Chest was visible but couldnt open it…

Despite spending a great deal of money in the cash shop over the weekend I no longer feel motivated to play the game. Entire episode has left a bad taste in my mouth.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Escortgupta shreni.1025

Escortgupta shreni.1025

Played 3 + hours, thrown into overflow at end of event lost loot so sad

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

Start fixing problems before u add more Anet, if i remember correctly the reason you made us wait so long for this game was for it to be polished and relativity free of game breaking bugs… what happened to that?

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Anthony.8056


Played the event from the begining as a mesmer only to phase retreat and get stuck at the very end and the only way point i had was far away and i couldnt even get back in.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Stoli.3467


No fun in spending that much time for an event and no chest. Nope I am not happy

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: IsisDenile.8143


I was also DC’d during the final event, toward the end of it, after having spent hours on the pre-events. And I, too, received no reward and no chest. This is extremely disappointing.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Malcolm Reynalds.1563

Malcolm Reynalds.1563

I spent 3 hours running this event through tons of lag. I got disconnected at the last stretch and missed out on the chest. Now its not the loot I am concerned for but the principle of the matter. If Arena Net cannot release new material that runs decently without negative effect to many MANY users then I believe they should seriously reevaluate their market strategies.

I am absolutely outraged that they would release a rare once a game content and have a large portion of players loyal to the company and game be denied in game special items, as well as the personal experience of playing new content and a new event.

My voice may not be heard, but I can honestly tell you if these types of problems persist then people will migrate away from your games and products to other companies that know how to actually keep their paying customers satisfied.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: FaLLiN.4806


my game crashed as i was looting the chest and when i come back its gone didnt get anything. I think im done with this game.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Upshot.6547


Crashed the same as everyone else

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: EvilDead.6375


Mine is slightly different- I did battle through 2 and a half hours of the event with extreme server lag, and still managed to hang on long enough to get the chest at teh end… However, my problem lies with the island itself. During the event, and about 3 hours i was there before the event, i got no (ZERO) XP for killing ANYTHING. I would kill riders, karka, drake, sharks, skelk… all with NO xp gained. I thought my game was glitched, so I DC/RC several times to no avail. After the event, it seems my daily progress was wiped, and I had to start over again to finish the daily. The only drop I would get before and during the event was crab meat. After, it started dropping normal things & gold. Also- it seems that while on the island, I have paper armor. Anywhere else, it’s normal lvl 80 Exotic armor with decent defense. Lastly, weapons were doing 0-5 damage. I assume there is some kind of glitch that needs to be addressed. I hope I’m not the only one with these particular issues.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: dartharamith.9705


I had the same issue, I respawned to the nearest way point and got stuck in the loading screen for 10 min and lost out on the event chest.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Shunraa.6521


same here…
2,5 hours of work and dieing, game kicked me. loginserver down for about 2 hours. show is gone and no loot für me but 20 silver rep.


No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Lillie.9106


I got into the event and after 8 minutes was disconnected. I attempted for the next 2 hours to get back in, but all worlds were full and the repeated attempts seemed to lead to more disconnects/system crashes. It wasn’t an internet issue either, as bf was sitting right next to me in the event – albeit with an FPS of 5 and enough lag for an army.

Really disappointing – I wanted to participate but couldn’t even try. From all these other forum posts, I guess I should be thankful that I didn’t waste 3 hours of my life only to be kept from loot at the end!!!

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Pinga.8491


From the sounds of it, I was one of the lucky ones who got the chest. Though my issue was running that event from the start to end, I did not get any Event reward (such as the standard "Gold’ “Silver” “Bronze”) From that I missed out on a lot of xp/coin/karma but I did die a lot (I was on my lvl 40 thief). Frist question people had for me was “what were you doing during that whole time?” Answer was simple, I was firing my bow, using aoe when I could and rezzing anyone I could to help keep it going forward. Maybe I wasn’t doing enough damage over all because of rezzing the dead, if thats a case something should be fixed with helping others to overcome an event.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


Yep you can drop a great-sword precursor in my mailbox too, no i wasn’t there, my fault i had to sleep seeing as it was 4am in the morning for me -_-. i wouldn’t mind 3 hours of unbelievable lag for guaranteed awesome loot Vs 6 months of grind.


No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Yardezz.5640


Logged into the forum for the first time – never had a need before as I was really happy with the game.
Now, though… Almost 3 hours of a very boring, repetitive, laggy, frustrating event (we must have killed hundreds of mobs – a choice of 3 different mobs, at that), to get disconnected 3 minutes before the end (we were destroying vents, were halfway through them) and then have to wait for 4 minutes to log in (login server was down) just to see the body of the anchient in lava, no event rewards, no chest.

It might be worth adding that I wasn’t receiving any XP throughout the time and no drops to speak of, unless I ventured outside of the main event area and killed standard mobs. In other words, 3 hours completely and utterly wasted. Nothing to show for my evening, since I didn’t even have fun and was only pushing through with the event to get the reward.

Not a happy bunny.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: mack.1574


I tried to battle on through the hideous lag .. but in the end I went to watch a film because the game was unplayable.

This whole weekend was a total disappointment as far as I’m concerned.


No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: Hembrent.8236


Oh my, I was absolutely furious at this point. I was there until the very -end- of it. Then a disconnection and I suddenly couldn’t connect again! Sigh.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: DemigoesRAWR.8701


No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: zugly.9035


I tried to battle on through the hideous lag .. but in the end I went to watch a film because the game was unplayable.

This whole weekend was a total disappointment as far as I’m concerned.

same as Mack,
It was the worst week-end ever. I never experienced such lag in any other MMOs.
You better not run any event if your servers can NOT handle it. It’s really disappointing to participate in the event for hours and not get anything at the end and wasting a lot of money on repairs !

and Running such big event with Free trial week-end … Not sure it was a smart idea.

No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

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Posted by: LEGOman.9361


Yep disgraceful. As others have mentioned, get disconnected only to log back in with event over, and players posting up their awesome exotic drops and precursors.
Meanwhile I get a lovely Jug of Karma for completing the buggy first stage events, go figure.

Fair for all players, not just a select few, otherwise this starts to become game breakers for people.

Some form of compensation is required, not just a “Sorry” thanks Anet.