No Rewards from Sanctum Sprint

No Rewards from Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: impgirl.2918


Three times now I have received nothing from the Sanctum Sprint chest after crossing the line fairly, not starting late so not a practice run. I am running with an Evon Gnashblade supporter buff, perhaps the Zephyrites secretly support Kiel?

No Rewards from Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amarath.9134


Did you skip any checkpoints or not actually cross the finish line? The reward chest won’t activate if you skip any, there’s a fairly common skip at the end by Leaping up to the chest and not actually crossing the finish line

No Rewards from Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: impgirl.2918


No, ran fair and square and crossed the line. I did once try the shortcut, yesterday, but never since. The chest activates, it just doesn’t give me anything.

No Rewards from Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jamie.2153


I’ve been having the same issue since the last patch. No matter where I place, nine times out of ten, I don’t get any rewards from the chest.

I’ve not skipped any checkpoints, I’ve not started late (well, I have, sometimes, but don’t expect a reward from those). And I’ve gotten the option to “activate” the chest at the end of the race.

I usually start out in the back of the pack, just because I don’t like using those PvP items to hit people.. ::shrugs:: But, I’ve quite often gotten the “Light Travel” option. However, even with that skill, I always wait until I hit the next checkpoint before activating it.

Each time I reach a checkpoint, the message on my screen says “5 Checkpoint”.. no matter which one I reach/cross. Perhaps that’s what’s bugged? I honestly don’t recall if it ever said anything different, as I never had a reason to watch it before.

Also, at the end of the race when the “standings” box pops up, it always says I passed 13 Checkpoints. So, unless there’s more the 13 and I’ve somehow started missing one despite running the same route each time, I don’t know what’s going on.

I did file a bug report about it. Hopefully, it’ll get fixed soon. Running the race is pointless without any reward for it.

No Rewards from Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: impgirl.2918


I’m glad it’s not just me, although I’m unhappy other people are suffering too. It has only been since the last patch. Also, I believe the 5 Checkpoint just refers to the points you get for passing it. I did try again earlier without a supporter buff just in case, one chest gave me rewards (yay!) but the next two didn’t.