No connection since shortly after demo launch
Confirm same problem.
Crashes in beta map and now no character (beta or normal) can log in.
Lost? Confused? Lonely? Hungry? Kidnapped?
House of Light the guild for every state of mind and activity! Any age/level/experience welcome! We do PvX/Raids. Growing our Guild hall, now 68. /w me
Same here.
Got disconnected, can not log in no more beta and normal.
So game over until they fix this.
Gonna watch a movie.
I got DC in the first mission instance after creating my beta character while getting my build ready. Then i can’t use the beta character anymore during the loading screen of Lion’s Arch. It get booted to GW2 Launcher every time.
Network error code: 1083:5:7:1596:101
same for me. i get error code: 42:22:4:1276:101 after i try to create a character(just wanted to submit the name)
me2 i had dinner and now this update ruined my game, and i was in lions arch with my necro but when i log i am in bitterfrost :S
had exactly same problem: crash in demo, then no login with non-beta characters. I deleted my demo toon and could login again
i repaired my client for 15 minutes and then it worked again
As a temporary bypass add -assetsrv to your Gw2 Shortcut in the Target Section
42;22;4;1276;101 getting this error code when trying to create a character for the demo area wondering if anyone else is having the same issue.
It appears this is happening again. I tested 7 elites earlier today then took a food break. Now I’m back and trying to make a Renegade and once the name is picked I get the 42:22:4:1276:101 error., “unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time.”
edit: Soon as I posted this I clicked Next one last time and it worked. So there’s that.