No credit for Big Boss Event?

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: AMMuNiTIONZz.5632


I just got done fighting the Shatterer ( a purple dragon) and got no credit for it. No medal, no experience, no chest. Some people did get credit and loot, and some were in the same boat as me. I’m just confused because i was there from start to finish (even the pre-events leading up to it), I was attacking the boss the entire time, and i know i did enough damage because I’m the same level as the boss. This has happened to me more than once; sometimes I get credit sometimes I don’t. I’m just wondering what is up?

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Commander Ryker.2971

Commander Ryker.2971

That sort of happens to me sometimes. I’ll get the medal, but for less participation than I actually did. And then there are other times, when I’m just in the area and not participating at all and I get the gold medal.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Notsure.7028


Im only lvl 37 at the moment, but under those circumstances I have never had that issue. In any event I was part of start to finish and actively participated in I got credit. Hopefully its just a one off glitch and not a symptom of a bigger problem.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Lianesse Modief.2683

Lianesse Modief.2683

had same issue with elmental boss in metrica province. killed adds cuz I could not get anywhere near the boss and did not even get a bronze medal. (got a few nice armor pices from the adds tho) Just did Shatterer today and nothin. I got good gear and a good staff. Am level 45 so should have gotten credit. I was within range of staff. Quite a few ppl around me said they did not get a chest or any medal. Does not make me want to go fight it again, (I don’t do this just for fun you know. Well mostly for fun but I want rewards too)

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Same exact thing happened to me, not once but twice.

How annoying it is to put so much effort into an event and get absolutely nothing twice in a row.

Please fix ASAP.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: BlueStripedTiger.3760


This is working as intended, sadly. Currently, event participation is measured in DPS. If you don’t do a certain amount of DPS, then you are considered ‘no participation’. It is to prevent people from just leaching off the event by being in the event area and not doing anything.

It sucks, yeah, but we have to wait for ANet to come up with a system that includes other actions than attacks, such as healing teammates, inflicting conditions, ect.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Fury Incarnate.8246

Fury Incarnate.8246

I’ve had this problem fighting the Centaur boss in Harathi 4 or 5 times, and the Dragon bosses in Splintered Coast and Blazeridge Steppes. I’ve also done the Wurm in Caledon and the Spider queen in Iron Marches with no problems – it seems to be boss-specific.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: AdamLiborio.8436


I’ve had some wonky event participation levels. There have been ones that I’ve come in late but I’ve been there for more than half of it and I get bronze or silver. Others that I’ve not even participated in actively and gotten Gold. A few that I tag a mob or two and get Gold. So I think it may be a bit buggy.

Also did the dragon in Sparkfly Fen (bone dragon, forget his name) and people in chat were complaining they didn’t get credit. I came in about half way through and got bronze but had access to the chest so it was all good.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Vigilence.4902


This is working as intended, sadly. Currently, event participation is measured in DPS. If you don’t do a certain amount of DPS, then you are considered ‘no participation’. It is to prevent people from just leaching off the event by being in the event area and not doing anything.

It sucks, yeah, but we have to wait for ANet to come up with a system that includes other actions than attacks, such as healing teammates, inflicting conditions, ect.

I’ve done this event successfully at level 40 so I highly doubt its a DPS issue on my part.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Lianesse Modief.2683

Lianesse Modief.2683

Ok did the shatterer again. I was keeping an eye on it and I was doing damage and rez ppl still no medal.. Oh and I got a silver on the escort event previous to shatterer. prolly won’t do it again. If I’m not at least getting exp from it I got lots of other things to do

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Lytic.7238


All the events I’ve had this issue with, has quite a few people participating, and in such cases I only received a bronze at best.

But I’ve also experienced getting gold for an event, which I didn’t even know I participated in. Maybe I killed a mob while running through the zone? not sure.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Sulmith Greysin.5124

Sulmith Greysin.5124

i saw a guy attacking air for the whole shatterer fight earlier

he didn’t have him targeted and was spamming the hell out of his abilities. not sure if he got credit or not but i know people do this and never realize it lol

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Lordphantomhive.1256


Fought the Shatterer two times now, and got nothing from both encounters.:( I was thinking maybe because I was under leveled but that doesn’t look like the case.

Darkness becomes light, light falls into darkness.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Doomscreamer.9136


I did the shatterer just a while ago and got nothing please tell me that rewards are set to minimun level of enemy range for the map your on (question mark((my question mark is currently doing the É thing)))

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Shaileya.7063


When large numbers of people do an event, the event starts jipping people. We observed it happening with Kol when more people showed up consistantly, to the point the map chat was full of angry people getting nothing for doing it over and over.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: WetSauce.1052


Having same problem. I am level 45. Have done 3 world bosses since starting. On all three, was present the whole fight, did plenty of damage, provided support, and didn’t die. Even after all of this work, in all three of theses fights, I have never once received credit. It just ends, and I see everyone huddle around where I would presume a chest has spawned. This really is killing the game for me. Broken game is broken. Please fix this.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

This is working as intended, sadly. Currently, event participation is measured in DPS.

I keep seeing people saying this, but it doesn’t match my experience. I’ve gotten gold participation for events that I supported (rather than added to the damage). I’ve gotten bronze in events for which I thought I was one of a few participants and thought I was doing more damage.

I’m not saying damage is irrelevant to the credit (or appearance of the chest), but I suspect it is much more complicated than a simple question of how much damage did you inflict.

It would be helpful if ANet provided some guidelines: does damage count for the majority of credit? Does it help to revive? Does it help more to rez from defeated? Does blocking or healing count at all?

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No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Master Fuhon.1068

Master Fuhon.1068

I got no credit for the Shatterer fight today after having gotten credit yesterday. A few others complained in map chat about no chest too, and I assume they got no medal/karma credit. I checked my combat log afterwards, and nothing was registered about my hits from Fire/Water/Lightning spells or my Arcane Blasts, even though I saw the damage numbers. It showed data from my attacks on adds and it showed the damage the Shatterer had dealt to me from being in range; but it registered nothing about me hitting his crystals either.

I can’t give a good estimate about the number of people participating in this event: there are people at the mortars, in a semi-arc around the dragon’s front, and then at the dragons forefeet. There are a lot of people camping that fight alone , as well as people who waypoint in to tag the boss for the chest. One person claimed to show up for the last 25% and got credit, so it’s not a first come, first serve deal. I was only a little late (still over 90%), since I went to gather from nodes/vendor sell after completing the Siege Weapon parts event, and I had to swap some things on my skillbar.

I would just as soon skip this fight (and future others like it that may have the same issue), because 50+ manning a lag… dragon doesn’t make for much excitement; but bosses have been an MMO staple for being the most reliable way to gear up while leveling. If there’s an engine limitation that causes this, the population more likely needs to have an alternate path of progression for loot farming.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Lee.8721


I’ve just finished the Dragon event in Frostgorge Sound, helped out with the ice shield and the adds as well as revving people and taking out the pillars to let the Golems close enough to stun the boss and dps’d the boss down while stunned and got bugger all from the event. Not even a completed event with bronze or the chest.

Is this really from having to many people at an event? If it is then is there anyway for it to be fixed or at least just say on screen that there is to many and your not getting anything from it? So those know they can go and do something else instead of just gaining a repair bill and some frustration. It’s lagging enough as it to do that event (frame rate for me is 30-40fps at that event so not a frame rate issue) but this is just adding a good chunk more frustration.

This is the first time it has happened to me on this boss and I have been in 4 I think events with him and all the others have given me rewards.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Same thing happened to me just a few hours ago on the dragon in SparkleFly. Got there right after it started. Killed some adds, DPS the dragon from 75% health till end. (Dragonbrand server). No medal, no reward, no loot, no Chest. Please get this fixed. Actually angered me so much I logged out of the game and played something else for the rest of the day. Not going to continue wasting my time on broken game mechanics (or spending any more money).

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: SUIamena.2107


Few days ago i fought against the Shatterer dragon twice and i did not get any loot or a medal. IT HAPPENED TWICE! gosh i hated it so much! So i went leveling for the next couple of days not fighting against the Shatterer. Just a few minutes ago i went fighting the dragon in SparkleFly hoping for the best and ofcourse the bug happened again. And alot of more people had the same problem. Seriously looking at all these posts this problem exists for quite some time and i never saw an admin post on one of them or something! I just want these quests to be fixed so badly.

(edited by SUIamena.2107)

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

This happened to me twice to night, two times in a row that he showed up, and these were my first times ever fighting him, so.. It wasn’t exactly a good experience.

The loot would have been nice, same with the medal, but I really could have benefited from that XP. Tons of other really disappointed people just left standing there, too.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: KatarisFizz.2103


I just did the shatterer event and got nothing for it as well. I was attacking his feet and all but I still got nothing. I also didn’t get an indication that the event started, leading me to believe that too many people were involved.

What’s really annoying is that this isn’t being addressed at all.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Kalendraf.9521


I did the Shatterer Event last night and got no credit at all. I got the indication that the event started. I’m level 75 and was down-levelled accordingly. I attacked through the entire battle dealing significant damage (at least I think it was). When the event ended, I got no medal or final chest. There was a huge group in the area, so I am wondering if it might be somhow related to number of players participating.

I had the same thing happen a few days ago in an encounter with Jormag. So far I’m 0-for-2 in getting credit for Big Boss events.

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No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: anzenketh.3759


I did the Shatterer last night also. Also no reward. I thought I was hitting things. My combat log states otherwise? Could this be a range bug issue. Could it be some areas are just not quite registering. Or could it be something that has to due with the large amount of people and the reward tracking having a hard time keeping track who hit and who did not?

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No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Tabe.1976


The reason you aren’t getting full participation, despite having “high” dps or being there the entire time is because it isn’t just based on how much damage you do, it’s based on what % of damage you did. When there are 30+ people doing an event, achieving enough % on mobs or a big dragon becomes INCREDIBLY difficult for most classes. This makes the large zerg events that most people use to farm in Orr impossible for me as a thief to do. This has pretty much prevented me from playing in these areas, as well as staying away from all the world boss battles. One of the big problems is everyone shouting it into map chat so the entire map comes running to fight it. Yes everyone wants a chance to fight, but as more people come the event gets ruined.

This really needs to get fixed. Right now only certain classes can farm areas like Orr, creating quite the significant market divergence. There’s no way for a lot of people to participate, giving more people no reason to go to maps or events like these.

TL;DR: Participation is based on damage percentage alone. If you don’t meet the required percentage, good luck next time.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: SUIamena.2107


I find the “you need to have high dps” explaination personaly a lame explaination since yesterday I fought against the dragon in sparkfly twice and for 80 to 90% of the whole battle I was being a support. I destroying bone walls, reviving people and kill undead mobs and only at the very end I attacked the dragon and I got on both times a gold medal and I did not do any of the pre event quests. On the previous times i fought dragons I was basicly only attacking the dragons feet and only doing it damage and those were the times i got nothing at all. not even a little amount of EXP the whole event message just vanished like it was never there.

A friend of mine who only attacked the dragon in all events had always gotten medals and with the last time he fought a dragon he diddnt get a medal either basicly says to me its more a bug instead of “you need high DPS to get loot”

No credit for Big Boss Event?

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Posted by: Kaz.5430


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