No dungeon reward

No dungeon reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Had a thing today in CoE p3 where at the very end (after defeating Alpha for the last time), Spire decided not to move anymore, leaving us stuck and without the dungeon reward. We tried waypointing around and logging off but couldn’t get her to do anything.
Gave up eventually.

No dungeon reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Had it again.
Fix next patch? ^^

No dungeon reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: chokipik.2168


Had the same problem. It seems npc bugged or was stucked in wall. Maybe it’s the problem.