No rewards from chest in Sanctum Sprint

No rewards from chest in Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jamie.2153


I know if you start late, you don’t get rewards.

However, since the last patch most of the races I’ve run have given no rewards in the chest. I’ve not skipped any checkpoints, not started late, not “cheated” (even if I knew how), crossed the finish line and got the message telling me where I placed and activated the chest when given the option….and gotten nothing.

I’ve tried at different times of day, with different characters and gotten the same result.

I’ve also filed a bug report ingame.

Thank you for your time and I hope this gets fixed before the races are taken out of the game. ::sighs::

No rewards from chest in Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: impgirl.2918


Still the same here, my previous thread about the issue has been buried in pages past. I don’t hold out any hope of a fix before the event is finished. Would like to know why it only seems to be affecting a few people and not everyone.

No rewards from chest in Sanctum Sprint

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jamie.2153


Would be nice to hear if this is a known issue, though it’s already likely too late to bother fixing it, since the event is nearly over. Yes?