No sounds, game freezes during cutscenes

No sounds, game freezes during cutscenes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luminoxic.5812


So I first encountered this whilst fighting maggots in the southern part of Cursed Shore, then in Twilight Arbor, again during Tequatl and the worst yet was Arah Story Mode.
During the first 3, sometime during battle, all battle sounds stop playing but background sounds loop (eg. rain). My game then becomes really jittery until I restart.

The worst was at Arah Story Mode, the very same thing happened but I did not restart, When the cutscene started whilst aboard the airship before protecting Zojja, I got stuck watching the cutscene and everything was in slow motion. I thought it would end but I was stuck in the cutscene until I logged out (and no, Alt + F4 or Task Manager couldn’t save me, I had to force shutdown my pc).
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem before, or whether there’s something I can do about it. I highly doubt its a pc problem, since my laptop is really new with a 2GB graphic card and 4GB of RAM running on Windows 8.1

Attached is an image of how I was stuck in the cutscene throughout the whole thing, I personally believe this is not a dungeon bug, since something similar happens even during PVE (refer to 1st paragraph above).

