Norn Body Fail

Norn Body Fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EldrikCZ.1209


I just created my Norn elementalist, but i found quite ugly bug. If i use Winged pants armor its make realy ugly straight line =ยด(


Legacy of Alchera [LOA] – czech
Piken Square [EU]

Norn Body Fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Tan lines perhaps? But yeah there’s a lot of these little graphical glitches.

Norn Body Fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zelothe.9234


This is a known graphical bug, try to search the forums and or google it since the forum search is pretty bad, you might find some solution even though it may require a total makeover kit, anyway this doesn’t belong into suggestions IMO.
Edit: this was moved to bugs so disregard my last remark

Some people said they didn’t want their players to grind. To which I reply try getting a
legendary weapon in your game without grinding, exploiting, incredible luck, spending
real money or having 100 guildies behind you…

(edited by Zelothe.9234)