Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

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Posted by: Cahli.7985


After killing the Grand High Viscount of Candy Corn in the mad kings labyrinth, I and many other people are not getting the achievement. Personal kill count is 8 and no achievement. All kills are in overflow.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

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Posted by: Truffler.3684


i killed him twice in non-overflow and still didn’t get the achiev

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

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Posted by: Peckhead.9230


Yeah, I too have killed him twice and not gotten the achievement. It seems to be working fine for the other champions, though.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

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Posted by: mrHappy.2539


Killed him yesterday, got the achievement.
Logged on today, achievemnt gone.
Killed him again, didn’t get it.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

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Posted by: mrHappy.2539


since I can’t edit the previous post.
Just now killed the third time today, and I got the achievement.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tmakinen.1048


Killed him yesterday, got event reward and chest but no achievement. Killed him today, got event reward and chest but no achievement. The other two bosses registered without problem.

tmakinen of [SoF]

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

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Posted by: RoyalCheese.7561


Same here. Killed him multiple times, no achievment.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I killed him twice last night.

The first time, there were two doors right next to each other, so I was trying to tag both the Viscount and the other mobs. I did not get the achievement, but I did get gold credit on both events.

The second time, I just focused on the Viscount, and I got the achievement and gold event credit.

I was leveling an alt in the labyrinth, so I know she doesn’t do as much damage as a geared 80. Maybe this is an issue with the contribution marker being slightly too high? In any case, it doesn’t seem to correlate with the event contribution levels.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cahli.7985


Ok, joined a party as per suggestion on reddit and I got the achievement. Try being in a party to those that are still struggling with this bug.

Not getting Candy corn crusher achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tmakinen.1048


The issue would indeed appear to be a damage threshold that is set too high. After doing the event several times with my support specced guardian and failing to get the achievement despite getting the event reward, I switched to my glass cannon ranger and got the achievement on the first try.

The other two bosses don’t seem to suffer from the same issue. I got both achievements on the guardian despite playing essentially the same way with all bosses (about 50/50 division between DPS and support).

tmakinen of [SoF]