Not getting credit
What kind of credit are you missing?
If it is for one of the Achievements, the paths in the tracker are mislabeled. Try doing a different path. Or, all the other paths.
If you continue to have issue, you can contact the CS Team via the ‘Support’ link above/below and ‘Submit a Request’ for assistance.
Good luck.
Achievements, Yes ive done and re done the ones its saying that I need many times to the point Im tired of running them. I’m about to just go ahead and make a vid of the runs and show that its broke. And I have sent a ingame bug report 4 days ago so time you youtube id say
(edited by Thanks.6859)
As I noted above, the ones the tracker says you are missing are often mislabeled. Have you tried doing the other paths?
This is a known issue on the Known Issue Tracker; you can look up what the status is as of today via the ‘Support’ link above/below.
Good luck.
Achievements, Yes ive done and re done the ones its saying that I need many times to the point Im tired of running them. I’m about to just go ahead and make a vid of the runs and show that its broke. And I have sent a ingame bug report 4 days ago so time you youtube id say
The bug is that the names of the paths in the description don’t match the paths you need. You have two options:
- Re-run every path, including story mode. Be sure to wait until until the final cutscene and reward (you don’t have to watch the cinematic, just make sure that it triggers).
- Wait. And wait some more. As Inculpatus Cedo says above, it’s on the dev’s radar and will get fixed (probably sooner than later, but no idea when “sooner” is).
Curated Issue Tracker
Bug: “Achievements: Dungeon Achievements have text mismatched to dungeon paths completed”
Status: “Verifying” = we have a fix and are testing it to make sure it works."
Status: “Verifying” = we have a fix and are testing it to make sure it works."
It don’t try again
Status: “Verifying” = we have a fix and are testing it to make sure it works."
It don’t try again
The fix hasn’t been placed in the game yet, so, yes, it won’t work for players.
Again, try the running the paths that your tracker says are completed, since the tracker shows the wrong paths completed.
Who the hell wants to keep running dungeons with no goal or objective I did how ever record one run on each path on this particular catacombs dungeon I’m not going to record the rest of the dungeons bugs I don’t play the beta version of game its out the test phase
path 1 path 1
path 3 path 3
still no credit on path one this is to much work AND AT THIS POINT the dungeons I have left none of them work
(edited by Thanks.6859)
If those are the paths your tracker says are not completed, then you won’t be getting credit.
I guess you will have to wait for the fix to be implemented, as I can’t tell if you have run all 4 paths of the Dungeon missing 1 or more path achievements.
Good luck.
Who the hell wants to keep running dungeons with no goal or objective
That’s how the achievement used to work: it didn’t list which paths (correctly or otherwise). For now, you can wait for it to be fixed or you can re-run each path again (including story mode); there aren’t really any other options other than patience, either way.
Remember, Dungeons are now/still required to achieve most of the Legendary weapons for players who don’t PvP.
You might like something more difficult now, but it is still needed content and required by some.