Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

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Posted by: Chrono.7430


Did some raids Monday after the reset and didn’t hit the cap (got 50-60) but when I raided again today I wasn’t getting any shards even for sub 5% wipes. Anybody else having similar issues?

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ixillius.5768


definitly feeling the same. I got not a single shard this week (havent bothered to do any kills because of it)

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MattStriker.7032


Same here. Tried Vale Guardian today and although we got him to 10% or less at least three times, most of us got a grand total of 5 shards over 2 hours of repeated attempts. Either the drop rate has been massively nerfed, or there’s some buggyness going on.

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nar.8327


Same thing here… nothing at all since patch. And no, I’m not anywhere close to capped for the week.

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MattStriker.7032


To elaborate a bit on my case:

During several attempts, no shards dropped at all. In one case the boss was under 10% after the wipe, and nobody got anything. In other cases, some players got one or two shards while others received nothing. There was only one attempt in which everybody got something, which ended in the <25% range, and even then the number of shards received varied between participants.

How many shards you get or whether you get any at all appears to be completely random right now.

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrono.7430


Yea, would love an official response to this. It seems to have broken early on Tuesday and it’s already Friday.. given the weekly cap most people aren’t going to hit it at this rate

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyrus.3476


My group went on Tuesday night and we noted the same thing. It wasn’t only until after an hour and a half of trying to down the first boss that we got some. I went from 11 to 14 in that amount of time, but I still wonder if it’s a bug still

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Conner.5803


Same here. Tried Vale Guardian today and although we got him to 10% or less at least three times, most of us got a grand total of 5 shards over 2 hours of repeated attempts. Either the drop rate has been massively nerfed, or there’s some buggyness going on.

I’m guessing it got nerfed because: players earning anything? → it needs to be nerfed.
Seems to be the way anet thinks the direction of the game should go.

I don’t think I will get the new aura anytime before the next raid wing with this drop rate and my bad luck with RNG

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gimli.9461


I had 85 after raid reset; We got VG and Gorseval on Monday and had some tries at Sabatha. I’m at 120 now, we are trying sabatha and i’m getting 0 shards (we had 2h worth of attempts getting her to after 2nd and to 3rd add)

Not getting magnetite shards post-patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MattStriker.7032


This is still going on. Sometimes we get a decent number of shards, sometimes we get nothing even though the boss was at <25%, sometimes some people get something and others get nothing. Seems like it’s completely random. Would really like to at least see some kind of statement on whether that is intended.