Not receiving mail, people arent receiving the mail I send to them

Not receiving mail, people arent receiving the mail I send to them

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jordan Adams.7630

Jordan Adams.7630

I have been farming Orichalcum Ore and I have had some guildies doing it for me so that I may buy it off them. I was suppose to receive 134 Orichalcum Ore last night, I never received the mail containing the ore and my guildie never received the 4g I sent him for all of it.

This has put a big dent in my farming for materials to craft weapons. I would like an answer to this ASAP. Not trying to be rude, but losing 4g and 134 Orichalcum Ore in less then 1 minute is ridiculous. This all happened after the new build last night

Not receiving mail, people arent receiving the mail I send to them

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: gideonkain.6732


Today I sent a few dyes to a friend and on the 3rd mail it said I was excessively mailing, this just happens to be the mail that I sent a rare dye to him and he sent me 9 silver – dye never arrived, so I sent 9 silver back…that disappeared…so I went and just bought the dye to send to him (hoping my excessive messaging debuff had worn off)…nope, dye never arrived. so 9silver for lost dye sale, 9 silver for failed refund and 12 silver for buying the dye at AH, all lost – I made an in-game ticket.

Not receiving mail, people arent receiving the mail I send to them

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jordan Adams.7630

Jordan Adams.7630

I just made a new character and sent my friend 1c with a joke writtin in the mail, he never replied so I whispered him and ask if he got the mail I sent him. He responded with No, so I went to my main character sent it again with 1c and yet again he got nothing, sent both of these within the last 15 minutes, he hasn’t gotten anything

Not receiving mail, people arent receiving the mail I send to them

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sinning.7483


Couple days ago I sent 5 Gold to a friend using reply to mail, he didn’t get it…I have done this numerous times (sent mail this way) and no problem. I checked everything out and can only assume it got “lost” somehow.

Logged ticket and went through the support process…pointless exercise as they (as always with this game) respond saying that they are unable/unwilling to do anything about it.

Supposedly not only do we have no way to track mail, neither do they….considering that they have limited our in-game item trading to either TP or Mail this seems crazy stupid to me.

I am now super paranoid about using the in-game mail system to send anything and yet what options are there?

This game getting worse and worse