Numerous Guild Hall Bugs

Numerous Guild Hall Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


I realise people have posted about these separately, but thought it would be a good idea to put them all under one thread. So here is my list of bugs that should be looked into, soon please:

1. Guild Music – The Caverns Music will play but will not save, also after leaving the hall and coming back the selected music generally doesn’t play, it’s more often after visiting lions arch and the fanfare music is playing, after it end it all goes quiet.
2. Arena Decorating – You just can’t do it, at all!
3. Workshop – We have upgraded the building almost to max, it will randomly turn back to rubble. You can walk through the rubble as if it’s not actually there, but it’s visually there.
4. Guild Emblem – All the banner flags in the Guild hall are backwards. We don’t have a symmetrical Emblem so on all the banners the Emblem is actually back to front. (See image).
5. Resonance Broker – (See image 2) The description states that any remaining influence will be converted. Yet it doesn’t, instead you get an error stating that the transaction cannot be completed.

That’s all I got for now. Anet, can we please have an ETA on fixes for these, or just a nob to acknowledge that you are aware and are going to fix.


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Numerous Guild Hall Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


This is Picture 2 as mentioned above (point 5)


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