OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Dear Anet,

Before the 23rd October HoT update, never ever did I encounter OOM crashes. All maps worked just fine including SW. After HoT released, I used to encounter crashes in HoT maps especially in VB but now getting OOM crashes in SW and Cursed Shore as well which never happened before. I am using the 32 bit client and switching to 64 bit isn’t possible for me atm. Please help!

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

OOM is the new Elder Dragon, it started in the Maguuma and now it’s spreading over Central Tyria.

In all seriousness the client itself apparently has a memeory leak issue so it doesn’t matter where you are, in HoT zones or in Tyria zones the issue is always present. Especially in Lion’s Arch. So the only solution now is 64bit client. People who can’t upgrade to 64bit client will have to suffer a bit more until they find a solution.

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


OOM is the new Elder Dragon, it started in the Maguuma and now it’s spreading over Central Tyria.

In all seriousness the client itself apparently has a memeory leak issue so it doesn’t matter where you are, in HoT zones or in Tyria zones the issue is always present. Especially in Lion’s Arch. So the only solution now is 64bit client. People who can’t upgrade to 64bit client will have to suffer a bit more until they find a solution.

Oh F!!
Thx for the reply. One major difference between the HoT and non HoT regions is the frequency of crashes. In HoT areas specially in VB and AB, I crash every 10-15 mins (guaranteed) but in SW (or CS for the matter) its rather random, may crash after an hour or after 10 mins.

Anyway I hope Anets fixes this soon and restores it to pre-HoT state

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Still getting occasional crashes in non-HoT high populated maps like SW, CS and cities.

Any hope for us (32 bit users)?

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bandini.6185


I’m a 32 bit user, and I have crashes 15-20 times a day, whatever the tyrian or WvW map. 90% of the time, it occurs when I try to change map or character.

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


I’m a 32 bit user, and I have crashes 15-20 times a day, whatever the tyrian or WvW map. 90% of the time, it occurs when I try to change map or character.

More frequently during loading screens, yeah.

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Crashing more frequently now in non HoT maps than before since the patch lol…
With every passing patches, this is becoming more pain in the kitten .

//Edit: Now in PvP as well. Got the dishonorable buff after crashes in 2 matches GG Anet
Fix your kittening crap that you created with HoT >.<

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

(edited by NiloyBardhan.9170)

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asgard.7251


Same here.
Played for 30 min this morning (before Work) :-)

Got disconnected two times :-(
I also have 32 bit client.

Pleas fix it, my feeling is that with every update it becomes worse. But thats my upinion.


OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Same, OP.
Almost no crashes on my 32-bit system before HoT. Now, it’s OOM crash galore. I cannot stay in game longer than 3-5 minutes at a time. Just about manage to get my daily login but that’s it…
Like you, 64-bit isn’t an option for me at the moment. Besides, people continue to crash and have problems with the new beta client, so it’s not the golden solution the odd smug poster makes it out to be.

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


AFAIK, few ppl I know are facing crashes in the 64 bit as well….lol so its not only us (the 32 bit users)

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kylden Ar.3724

Kylden Ar.3724

Same here. Core was stable and it seemed like HoT was getting better, now this. Every 5 minutes or less.

Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Same here. Core was stable and it seemed like HoT was getting better, now this. Every 5 minutes or less.

It wasn’t getting any better for the 32 bit users. Same kittening crash everyday, but seldom in non HoT areas but yesterday’s patch killed it. I was barely able to do dailies today and logged after whining for a bit in LA Map chat out of frustration…

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE