Observation: potential skill lock solution

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I am one of the players who has suffered through losing my 1-5 skills during battles, forced find a way to get myself downed to fight again. Last night, after getting it twice during a single Marionette run, I realized something:

It only happens to me on my Guardian (I have 80’s in all classes)!

Why is this? My Guardian is different in one way from my other characters:

I have Auto Attack OFF on my “1” skills, which was recommended by a dev on the forums to overcome the skill lag race condition.

So, I turned Auto Attack ON again… and I have not had the problem since then.

When I play guardian, I have two greatswords equipped and I run around a lot, during play, using various planned combinations of the complete skill set:

6 Signet of Resolve
7 Stand Your Ground!
8 Save Yourselves!
9 Retreat!
0 Renewed Focus

Does this help developers with the problem, or is there already a fix coming down the pipe?

I’m happy that it’s fixed, but it does bother me that it hasn’t been addressed, as far as I have seen in the forums.

It started around the time that a patch claimed that the infinite 5 spin was “fixed,” which it wasn’t.. I never used to get it, now I get it every day or two.

Still love the game and thanks so much for all the efforts to keep making it better!

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doctor.1905


It doesn’t just happen to Guardians. It happens to my lvl 80 necro, lvl 80 thief, and lvl 80 mesmer a lot as well. The skill lock happens when you try to pick up an object in a zerg while others also try to pick up the same object. The most common things that causes this are elementalist weapons (Ice bow, Fiery Greatsword, Lightning Hammer, etc). Multiple players try to pick up the object and it causes a skill lock.

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

It happens on my Ranger, without anything to do with bundles, or anyone else anywhere near. It’s a very pervasive bug, and doesn’t seem to really have a trigger.

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RedStar.4218


It happened to me a few hours ago on my thief when I failed to pick up a banner. I’m, unfortunately, getting quite used to this bug after encountering it so many times.

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I use the loot/autoloot buttons often when I am in battle, and regularly end up with a (insert kitten word here) banner in my hand. (aside, a “real” autoloot no-button-required would be a wonderful QoL update here)

I haven’t tested specifically if it is when I am accidentally picking up banners..

Do any of you have the Auto Attack disabled on your characters?

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ignavia.7420


It happened on my ele as well right after accidentally trying to pick up a warrior banner that disappeared that very moment. During the Marionette battle it occurs frequently if you try to loot but get a bundle instead.

Do any of you have the Auto Attack disabled on your characters?

I don’t have auto-attack disabled.

Observation: potential skill lock solution

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eventide.3460



Experienced the same issue during the marionette fight with my ranger.

I was downed and as soon as I killed an enemy to get back up none of my skills would work.

It was only resolved when I got downed again and got back up after kill/rez