Odd Popping Noise on Windows 10?

Odd Popping Noise on Windows 10?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scribble.8069


Hey there,

So I searched up old topic threads to this (made over two years ago), but didn’t see a solution.

I’ve had an odd popping noise occur upon GW2 launch and occasionally at random times ingame. This has only started after upgrading to Windows 10. It sounds similar to a sort of static pop or crackle coming from my speakers. I’ve tried hearing through my headphones only, and the same sound comes through, which means it isn’t a tech problem.

I’ve updated all my drivers as per usual. GW2 seems to be the only program that does this – I’ve never heard it when I don’t have the game open.

Does anyone have a fix or work around? Thanks in advance!

Scribble Scrabbler
Kiss Kiss Bang [BANG]

Odd Popping Noise on Windows 10?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pumillion.2519


Put gw2 on windows 7 compatibility mode?

Odd Popping Noise on Windows 10?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Win7 compatability mode fix it, but in my experience that also introduced alot of graphics stuttering…

Its not a driver issue (no other game does it), its a GW2 specific issue. A strange one at that.

My recommendation is not wearing your headphones/have speakers on when you start the game, lol. A little surprised that it hasnt been fixed yet given how long Win10 has been out now. Anet havent upgraded to Win10 yet?

Edit: And speaking of this… did they fix it in this patch or did the bug mess up, lol. Launched the game twice now, havent heard the popping. Hear it every time otherwise.

(edited by Dawdler.8521)