Offline status not staying Offline

Offline status not staying Offline

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CrimmsonWind.1475


On occasion I like to set myself offline so I can focus on certain things without being bothered by friends/guildies, for example I just got home from work and I’m tired and I want to knock out my dailies without getting roped into other things.

The last few days, I’ve noticed that at some point during regular gameplay (in this most recent case I was in the middle of a fractal) my Offline status switches to Online, alerting everyone that I’m there. I’m not sure if this came with the most recent patch, but I don’t recall having this problem before then.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

To more thoroughly explain the most recent example: I played a little bit before I went to work, and left myself at the character select screen with the Contacts window up, which I set to Offline. When I got home, I was still set to offline. I continued to play normally, and when I opened LFG to join a dailies group, I was still set to Offline. At some point within the fractal, my status apparently changed to Online, which I was alerted to when I was whispered by a couple of people.