Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Innermight.2534


Hello Fellow GMS
The Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls – Is under Contested since yesterday Afternoon , which is blocking the " Inquest Gate " Event from runing and blocking player from getting the Point of Intreset and Skill up Up there on the mountain..
I am bringing it to ur Attention so u can fix it asap . as I’m one of the people who miss this 2 things to complete the map..

Thanx you

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Innermight.2534


Hello Fellow GMS
The Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls – Is under Contested since yesterday Afternoon , which is blocking the " Inquest Gate " Event from runing and blocking player from getting the Point of Intreset and Skill up Up there on the mountain..
I am bringing it to ur Attention so u can fix it asap . as I’m one of the people who miss this 2 things to complete the map..

Thanx you

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jellybug.5301


Still bugged on my server, the waypoint is permanently contested and the event to get through the Inquest gate can’t begin. Does this have to do with Sizza, the nearby Heart NPC? A patrolling Grawl Berserker always takes her out every loop. Or is the Ogduk Waypoint reclaim quest part of a sequence that starts with, say, the Grawl Commander Event to Sizza’s North?

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caporegime.5761


Same here. Awful bug

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bez.2415


Broken on tarnesed coast also. I hope they fix it with tonights update. This is the second time I have had to wait a day to finish a zone because of a bug

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: infidelyty.4897


still broken on Sanctum of Rall. my goodness

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: polarity.8906


I’m guessing you need to escort the Order of Whispers NPCs to the waypoint. Problem is they won’t move.

Where are the GMs in this game?

We need someone who can reset these things as soon as they get bugged, and not have to wait until the next server reset.

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loominal.5634


Still bugged on Dragonbrand also. You’d think after a week of gettting support requests they could fix this bug. I’d really like to get the reward for finishing the area.

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sly nightmare.9486

sly nightmare.9486

It’s also bugged on Yaks Bend. Preventing anyone from getting the skill point and point of interest. This needs to be fixed like asap…

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thorskin.4218


Also locked on Augury rock. A lot of events are locked on this map.

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ares.5304


Also bugged on Maguuma server. From what im told you have to get the order of whispers dynamic event completed for it to open the gate, but like polarity says, they wont move. Help devs! pweeeezzzz

Ogduk Waypoint Timberline Falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sec.7640


Still bugged on Sanctum of Rall. Yet another zone I can’t complete because of these stupid bugs. I had fun in this game until about level 40, but since then, there’s been at least one if not more quests in each zone that are stuck and are keeping me from completing the zone.