Ogre Wars: Event halted

Ogre Wars: Event halted

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lumures.2048


On the Sea of Sorrows server, yesterday, the ogre wars event chain in Fields of Ruin stopped part-way in progress as the Charr forces began to assault Foulbear Kraal.

It appears as though the NPCs reached the front door of Foulbear Kraal but did not blast the door open.
Maybri Shadowstalker now stands idle outside Foulbear Kraal and oddly enough, I found the remaining Charr forces defeated inside the Foulbear Kraal. They were revived and made their way to a location I do not know because I did not think I needed to follow them.
Because the event following the retaking of Bloodgorge Watch did not start yet, the time limit did not countdown and the event chain is unable to reset.

I was not at this location at the time the event was bugged. I’m not sure but it might be related to that I captured Sapper’s Delve shortly after the Charr forces began making their way to Foulbear Kraal.

(edited by Lumures.2048)