Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andy Rymz.7518

Andy Rymz.7518

Can’t see it having been mentioned but the “Charr and Vanguard forces are assaulting Foulbear Kraal and its leaders” often bugs. All appears fine until you accompany Captain Gregory who on approach to Hunter’s Gorge suddenly decides to stop and do, well, bugger all. When you go to talk to him, he’s full of fascinating and insightful comments such as “May the God’s protect you” and “Greetings friend”. Personally I find him a congenial kind of chap but it would be awfully helpful if he’d just continue the assault.


Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I want to ask you to make screenshots when your minimap is detailed (it’s zoomed out atm) and has north facing north.

I have tried my best to use this map http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/db/Fields_of_Ruin_map.jpg to find where you actually are but without any luck. The reason I want to know is cause the npc’s dont go with you the full battle, they rather stand back while you do all the work and porogress when a step of the story is done. The event status is indicating you are currently not in Foulbear Kraal and it might be that you jsut have to go in and do the required killing.

The devs would like to know where you are to in a way to reproduce the bug.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andy Rymz.7518

Andy Rymz.7518

Hi there mercury. Don’t think it can be that, we’ve done this quest on many occasions and at this point he usually goes slightly closer and the area which we’re attacking is ringed and the next stage spawns. We’ve even cleared the entire area leaving nothing standing and nothing happens, perhaps the screenshot attached will make the exact location clearer. We’re in Gunnars Hold server if anyone fancies chancing their arm at debugging it kitten to speak, but I tell ye, the Captain is not for turning.


Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


This bug occurs all the time in Tarnished Coast too. Usually that Captain is standing all by himself (and occasionally dead) in the middle of Foulbear Kraal too. Without their human allies, the small numbers of Charr forces (if they get in the Kraal at all) seem too timid to continue and just stand around swinging their tails. :P

I think ANet needs to break up this meta-event further and have two more events where each side gets a foothold inside the Kraal, with both meeting up in the same location. Once they’re both there, you can then trigger the next event to assault the heart of the Kraal.

Currently it seems to be breaking because one or the other side is not making it to the rendezvous point with their troops and the event can’t continue because it’s waiting for these troops to arrive (who are dead and thus can’t trigger the next event).

Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Is that related to it?

However to trigger the pre events it is enough to do one point (we mostly do the charr thing). (Sometimes some of the charrs will die at the northern gate and have to be revived before the pre events will trigger.)

Ogre Wars - Foulbear Kraal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Yeah, that’s the thread I created, and from reading Andy’s post and screenshots, I believe it’s the same bug we’re talking about. In my case, the Charr soldiers from the north were missing altogether, and there’s no event inside Foulbear Kraal itself, making the meta-event impossible to complete.