(edited by nagr.1593)
Omnomberry Ghost glitch
bump please.. this is still giving me problems and the glitch hasn’t been fixed.
my main issue is that the effect goes away if you shadowstep or stealth. i would like for this effect to not just disappear randomly cause I love it. =/
It’s an issue with transparency (of any kind, including stealth) and some kind of type of effect – any weapons with a particle type effect I think.
Super adventure weapons do this too, as well as things like the zephyr catchers.
For the toast!
My complaint is that this specific issue with tranparency (i.e. boxlike, bubbly pixels) only appears on my screen after some recent patch, and that a month ago this was definitely not the case. I use that particular food quite frequently so I am pretty certain about this change. Also I have noticed that the settings I use does not change this (low or high doesnt matter).
When I used to use the Ghost food, I would become transparent but would see no noticeable bubbly pixels, and my weapons and backpiece would show up as they normally are (without transparency or pixels). As you can see from the images I had posted, this is not the case now since all my weapons/backpiece (it doesnt matter which one I use or if it has particle-type effects, I’ve tested this) are now transparent in addition to being pixelated goop. Before (some recent patch) they would appear as normal when I was in my mist-like form. I have seen someone else with the Ghost buff and they also appear as pixelated on my screen. Again, I am pretty certain this not an intended effect of the food.
(edited by nagr.1593)
I’d hop,e ANet would so soon also something about some other major graphic bugs, that exist basically since the cut throut politics patch.
Whatever Anet did there, it changed something about the LIGHTING about some huge proportions of the whole game, whenever you move around your Camera and out of the sudden, huge parts of the game#s environment become transparent, so that you can see through mountains, through walls, through basically everything, even the ground you are standing on, seeing all kinds of beird environmental body models that you would normally never see.
Theres also an other similar graphic glitch that I see sometimes that a white lighted box appears around on the ground positioned lightning hammers from elementalists.
I’d really like to see it happening, that the game should get more love in the future of bug fixes, especially in the graphic and audio sections.
The german audio for example has some terrible bugs, especially based on audio files of Trahearne, already beginning in the first personal mission where you meet him first time at lvl 50, where he talks so fast his stuff down, while you run around, that the game automatically skips through everything, then there are also some scout npcs, that are missing their audio files there are some spots in the pesonal story voice fices, when npcs are either speakign with each other, or to your character, where out of the sudden some voice over parts are either missing, or perhaps muted whatever and you hear nothing and I’m sure, the other localizations surely have alos such kind of issues.
I realyl hope, Anet uses the time to polish up their game mechanical, also in regasrd of addign new features and priorizing alot more on bug fixes and game balance also, when the Scarlet Arc is finally over and they start to make a first big break from Living Story.
Inm certain aspects of the game, I think Anet has strongly to rediect their priorities for what they use their precious time to do with the patchs, than to use them mainly only for living story content.
Patches should have a claer priority with a clear system behind, that anet follows, like
Focused Living Story Patch > Focused Feature Patch > Focused Balance/Fixing Patch > Focused Living Story Patch and so on … with a clear and straight order of how what gets when priorized