On Swift Wings

On Swift Wings

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tonph.4513


okay. so today i done this like 10 times.. i already did the after u defend the lady. go to npc and protect them all and after i def them i quickly F to retreat them back i complete this 7 people defendng btw. whats wrong with this AP? is this bug? as u can see in screenshot i still have the signent or whatever they call that gold thingy. pls help.,. thank you


Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

On Swift Wings

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: godsie.2864




These 2 threads confirm this bug it is thought to be due to the NPC’s not going through the portal in the lab and exiting the instance, therefore the achievement does not trigger and when the last “defend the lab” event is triggered the NPC’s all automatically die in an unrezzable position outside the instance, thus bugging this achievement