"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug
I did this myself with a Mesmer wound up deleting him because of it and started another same thing with her lvl 10 had to ask for help to do it and it worked. Both story line options are like that so you all might try getting someone to help to break the bad code. yes I know its near impossible to raise a CSR from here and it sucks to be Honest
@Orlaith create a new character (no Norn) or play something else than the story, im sure the bug ´ll be fixed soon because ANet knows about it and already tried fixing it. My friend also had some bugs when he played GW2 the first time, but after a few days everything worked and I hope this bug also will be fixed that fast. (I don´t like it too, ´cause I tried to level my warrior today and it didn´t work ) (im sorry for my english, it´s really, really bad)
(edited by mcFlo.9648)
I’ve been having the same issue with One Good Drink Deserves Another, and now I’m trying to do “Disciples of the Dragon” on my warrior and I’m experiencing a similar problem. The Sons of Svanir do not attack my like they are supposed to after the cutscene, though I was able to enter the cave and fight the boss, Herjarr. Upon his defeat, it appeared as though the story had updated but all that happened was that the objective “Defeat Herjarr” appeared completed. I walked over to Herjarr to see if I was supposed to press him for information, but instead he got up and started nonchalantly walking around like the rest of the Sons of Svanir. Eir just gives me generic dialogue when I try to interact with her, and now this story is not able to be progressed.
Whatever is causing this issue seems to be affecting mostly Sons of Svanir, so whatever updates may have been done to tweak the Sons’ AI during the FOV update might be related to what people have been experiencing as of late.
Having the same issue, I really hope it’s fixed soon. I see it’s been going on for a while. Something as important to players as personal story line progression should be fixed right away.
(edited by SnowPumpkin.1809)
One of my twinks is struck with the same issue in that part of his personal storyline. So I’m watching this thread closely.
punkassbamboo might have a point with the Sons of Svanir’s AI being connected to this as they tend to behave strangely recently: Try to engage one of them with a ranged weapon on maximum distance (tested it with a ranger’s longbow at ~1200) and watch how he reacts – no hostlity at all, eventually even moving away instead of closing in, very weird… It doesn’t turn green, though, so the only connection I see is the coincidence of a broken chapter in the personal storyline and this strange behaviour of certain foes.
Well i just got this guy messing with me for the last 3 week’s now..i rly rly like ranger so it would be a shame to delete it and start over :\
Hi im relatively new to the game and got to the quest One Good Drink Deserves Another, and when i get to the part “Defeat the Sons of Svanir” one guy glitches and wont let me attack him (like hes an Allie) here is a pic of my screen
Please help soon
please fix soon and good luck
I repeat again, I would love this to be fixed soon… :/
yes please i dont understand why it hasnt been yet (no offense im sure the team is hard at work)
PLS ANet fix this soon,I cleared everything in the area,now I just need to complete this tiny quest and move on.Until that I’m kinda stuck.And no,I won’t delete and start over with another character…
I would like to add that this exact same problem is also occurring in ‘shape of the spirit’ (the quest that occurs at the same stage of the personal story, but for a different choice at the previous step)
I do not get any moonwalking sons of svanir, but there is one Svanir Hunter (I’ve only tried twice but it has been the same guy both times) that doesn’t turn hostile with the rest of them, leaving me unable to complete the quest.
I see that the devs are aware, I just thought I’d add my encounter with this particular kind of bug to the list.
Please make this a priority.
Sigh This bug is starting to kitten me off.. it’s preventing me from playing the game. Please fix it.
My norn is also bugged on this quest. She’s level 18, if that matters. I am so sad I don’t know what to do and I REALLY don’t want to delete my character and start over.
Day 25. They Still have no clue whats wrong
A bugging quest appearing this early in the game is sure an attractor for new players. NOT.
they should rename it to Frustration Wars
(edited by sleight.9638)
I just bought this game 3 weeks ago for $39 USD.
I have been stuck on this story quest for about a little over a week now. I am a casual gamer so I just moved on and completed other in-game activities. During that time I have leveled up to level 26. I am not deleting this character or the work I put into it.
To pour salt on my already existing wounds ANet dropped the price of GW2 to $10 USD.
So I am disappointed that I can not progress through my level 10 story quest, and I feel ripped off because of the price discount.
Thank you.
NCSoft really screwed me on this one. I made a Norn as my first character and took the Legacy armor for them that you only receive on one character. Can’t even delete her and make a new character unless I want to lose it.
tbh its outrageous that this hasn’t been fixed yet and theirs very little reason it shouldn’t be fixed because this is clearly a big problem making many people upset (including me)
they will fix it…chill just lvl on tasks and when it’s done it will be super easy
This issue seems to ONLY effect story lines involving Sons Of Svanir at level 10 other Norn story lines seem to work fine., as long as they don’t have Svanir in them. And yes, seem Arenanet is lacking in their tech support department. Just an honest observation.
I have the same problem on my Norn Guardian. Anet could you please fix this as soon as possible. Kind Regards, Devonian Fire
25 days later and this is still a problem with the one guy who comes running up not going agro.
still bugged boys……….
just like the pet bug …. and that thread has been locked.. so a lock incoming on this thread too .
cant fix it.. lock thread
with the bug in these story lines makes me wonder if they are going to do away with 10 to 30 story lines altogether
Just hit this quest today, bugged and couldnt find a way around it. GG Devs for being on the ball about making sure people can progress in your game.
If it’s not easily fixed, let us bypass it because I’m lvl 30 on lvl 10 story.
Is there a way to redo the quest line so i can choose the minotaur option?
Gl fixing because i don’t think it’s just a little bug, would be fixed already otherwise.
The “shape of the spirit” quest is also bugged,so it doesn’t really make a difference what you choose.I couldn’t wait to play the game,so I started a Sylvari Ranger,but I won’t delete my Norn,I gave every bonuses from the heroic edition to her….
This is so disappointing, Just got this game 2 days ago. And i’m already stuck,And as far i can tell, this bug is almost a month old… I’m seriously considering asking for a refund. This is unacceptable.
I’m now stuck on “Disciples of the Dragon” mission and I also can not move forward with the story. I can kill… I just logged back in to get the character’s name and it was working this time. I don’t know what I did to make it work. I had tried a few times to log out to the Choose Character menu and log back in to no avail until just now. I spent some time on that menu researching a fix and now it worked. Well, good luck everyone.
Got hit by this bug as well on my Norn. I got the Svanir drunk, and all but one (peaceful) Svanir left into their hut. I let the minotaurs out, and attacked the Svanir after that, but the peaceful Svanir’s existence seems to block the quest from advancing further.
I exited the instance, and retried the quest, now there’s two peaceful Svanir (one from before?) and the quest won’t even progress past “Get the Sons of Svanir drunk”.
Hoping for a fix soon, good luck ANet
I’m wondering, is there anyone for whom this quest did work in the past three weeks (can ANet access that kind of info?) Did they do anything differently? I noticed that my first peaceful Svanir might have been the Svanir that was “yellow” until I attacked him, then he became green, but still fainted. Was something changed with downing maybe that would affect this?
they will fix it…chill
just lvl on tasks and when it’s done it will be super easy
The question is when? And the better question is why is there no hotfix to allow you to skip this kitten then. I was going to try key farming on my 9th and only free character slot. I used a lvl 20 scroll to get it fast. Now I’m being kittenblocked by some very stupid bug. stalling my process since i refuse to delete a lvl 20 character because those scrolls dont grow on trees.
By the time they fix it I’ll need that 9th slot for Revenant so gg anet.
new patch. bug still there..
new patch. bug still there..
True that. We cant continue our stories
well this is getting kidna depressing…
best one of everything is that I got a mail asking if i’m happy with my in-game support xD
Come on Anet! At least give us some update on that bug, it is blocking progression on the personal story, that is IMO the best thing about this game…
im having problms in this mission, tried over and over, and i have all times a untargetable son of savnir, any solution ?
Sigh well my norn necro is lvl 80 all geared up but still waiting to finish this quest
Whatever is causing this issue seems to be affecting mostly Sons of Svanir, so whatever updates may have been done to tweak the Sons’ AI during the FOV update might be related to what people have been experiencing as of late.
Hmmm…interesting, it may be the lead to solving the case, maybe the bug exist not in the “quest” but in the NPC “race” itself?
it is a problem since 4 weeks, and they don`t do nothing to repair it
great it is like 3th patch and it`s still the same. I`m starting to think that they will leave it like it is until they make heart of thorns. Come on I and others waiting for mounth for fix. do something about it !!!!
Yes I just tried it again on my Hunter. This time I had 2 npcs that wouldn’t engage instead of just one. Basically its undoable at this point.
The bug still exists and I cannot continue. Just bought this game on sale over the weekend and I’m already starting to stray away from it because of this.
I have the same problem, I cannot progress and it is very annoying…
i’m a little worried with the amount of bugs on the forums and the time it takes to fix them. Is it always like this ?
You know, as much as programming and coding such big game is involved, it may be a bit difficult to find the bug and iron it (aka fix it). I myself know what from smaller projects I wrote, they were somewhat big in code (not as big as GW2 obviously) and some bugs are not fixed yet even tough I know more or less where they are located…
TL;DR; – this stuff may take a little while to find and fix.
From my – admittedly very personal and therefore limited – experience GW2 and ANet are very fast in fixing bugs compared to other games and companies.
The issue in question was first reported here four weeks ago, true. But let’s not forget they already tried to fix it it last week, sadly unsucessful. From my daily work I know all too well how difficult it is communicating progress in finding and fixing a bug in a complex piece of software like this. Fixing isn’t the big problem most of the time, often a matter of minutes (plus testing plus roll-out, of course). But finding what’s causing the trouble can give you a real headache, especially if it’s not really a bug but simply an unwanted and unexpected interdependency of code lines used in multiple parts of your software.
So, people, please relax. They’re working on it.
(edited by yoguil.7320)