"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Orlaith.7520


It’s STILL broken? I’ve played all the PVP I can handle in the meantime and atm I’m having major buyer’s remorse. What a waste of my time and money. I’ll be telling all my friends that were on the fence not to buy this game. Won’t be supporting the devs again in future either if this keeps up. Thanks for the fantastic service guys.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: coach.9713


WHY IS THIS STILL BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: coach.9713


Just tried to do this quest 54 times before i gave up same bug happens every time. Why has this not been fixed at all. Oh well i sent in a ticket for every single time this bugged and i will keep sending in tickets every time I try to complete this quest.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Dugg Gouache.1364

Dugg Gouache.1364

For those of you who aren’t able to get past this glitch (myself included, now a level 65 Norn Engineer), there are other things besides PvP to do to pass the time – multiple areas to explore, multiple quests to do, daily events, and the list goes on. This is the first time I’ve ever played this game, and I was disappointed to encounter the glitch I did, as I was being accompanied by veteran friends when I discovered it; however, I didn’t let some simple coding stop me from building my opinion on this game. For all you newcomers, don’t give up just because one thing doesn’t work, it’s clearly being looked at and worked on. If you don’t understand how coding works, don’t get upset. It’s like working through spiderwebs in haystacks full of knotted string. It’s not easy. I’ve grown to love the game itself and play daily. I understand some people play for plot/story, as I do as well, but I’m able to keep myself preoccupied while they work on this. Don’t let something so simple be the reason you stop playing, as this is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, MMO’s that I have encountered. Just keep faith, and be rational. Sometimes thing aren’t as easy a fix as you might think. Thanks again, devs, and ANet for what you’ve done and are doing!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Acharyn.4738


Soon is something. Soon its good. I’m sure they want to push this fast considering how old the bug is .

No, no.

“Soon” from ANet is bad. It means there won’t be a fix in the foreseeable future.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: HaoSs.3479


Soon is something. Soon its good. I’m sure they want to push this fast considering how old the bug is .

No, no.

“Soon” from ANet is bad. It means there won’t be a fix in the foreseeable future.

Starting to agree with you. Silly me. It seems they are using blizzard trademarked level of " soon "

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: rahidz.1406


I take the optimistic “soon” reply to mean “whenever the next patch rolls around” (so about a week or two at most), especially since the bug seems to have been identified and fixed, just a matter of rolling it out.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: coach.9713


Problem with waiting until a patch is this game has several small patches a month couldnt they just hot fix like almost every other game on the planet?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Orlaith.7520


Just keep faith, and be rational.

You’re asking me to place faith in a company that has earned none of it so far? This is why video games are in the state they’re in. It’s because of gamers like you. Anet is not my friend. They’re a company I gave money to for a service and a key component of that service (it’s the main godkitten quest, not some side mission) is currently broken. This is my first experience with them. They have done nothing for me to earn my “faith”. This is the worst customer experience.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Thanarel.1549


It may not be the most critical bug ever, since it only affects those of us who happened to coincide in this same story quest/path. However, it still is annoying and completely block us from enjoying and discovering the rest of the story, at least for those of us new players. Sure there are other things to do (and I’ve doing that so far), but a bug like this and considering its been a while already… it should be fixed by now. I only have some knowledge of what coding and programming involves and I know its often not so simple as it seems for players. However this has been happening for a while, and I don’t even see it being acknowledged other than by that post days ago about the staff member who said its a fix is “coming soon” (which to me sounds like they have 0 idea when they will be able to dedicate time to fix it).
Point is.. they don’t seem to care enough to work on it. They rather invest in working things, more content, etc.

To Anet: Come on, guys, it IS a simple bug, it won’t kill you to work on it and move on. You’re supposed to have found the issue already, no? As that staff member posted here. So what’s making it so hard for you to fix? :/

Perhaps simply have the npc shout something once then immediately turn aggressive without waiting for the other svanirs, as the others come out of the tents like normally do. No dialogue, no problems, the trigger is just the npc shouting and thats it.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Placebo Effect.4508

Placebo Effect.4508

Another player who just ran into it, on my second character ever.

Jesus, that’s annoying to be unable to finish a storyline quest. I have a level 64, wanting to level him via personal story, but I can’t. I just used a good 40 Tomes of Knowledge on him, too, and got Armorsmithing to 500, so there’s no way I’m deleting this toon and starting over.

Come on, Anet. I’m a gem buyer, and until you fix this stuff, I’m not buying any more gems.

(edited by Placebo Effect.4508)

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Wickedvenom.9104


Still stucked for me…

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: PureWasabi.1670


Did they fix it yet??

Sorry, I can’t check on my own because I’m in a hotel using a public kiosk computer.

Please let me know!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: HaoSs.3479


Did they fix it yet??

Sorry, I can’t check on my own because I’m in a hotel using a public kiosk computer.

Please let me know!


it will show up here

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Sigil.8159


Ok having the same problem of theres one or 2 guys i cannot kill but need to i mean i JUST made this character and this is like the 3rd quest from the start this needs to be fixed already i can’t go past this spot now in the main story? whats the point of playing this game then?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: torakun.9638


This is absurd!! Please fix this! My gf and I can’t progress! So unprofessional for a thing that is halting game progression.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Samsungsan.8512


yo this isn’t even funny anymore…not only ive goten from lvl 10 to 80…but now i allredy have full flame legion exotic gear …this has taken months for you to fix it…and i was thinking in buying gems…

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: davoz.1429


Wow 24 days and still stumped? Do you need a programmer to help you?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: yanislav.8014


Just ran into it. Let’s a start a petition to get this fixed. For 24 days they have just been lazy. If for some reason they can’t fix it, some feedback would be good and also they could just add a skip option before the fix… I thought paying for a game was going to mean good support. Apparently not.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: PureWasabi.1670


Fixed yet?

Sorry I cannot check myself because I am on a public transportation bus and inquiring via cell phone.

Thank you!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: speed.7859


Still bugged as of 4/25/15

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Okibruez.2187


It’s been longer than a month, at this point. Closing on a month and a half, in fact. And the glitch apparently effects both sides of the Norn story line quest at that point. So it’s an entire fifth of the player base’s character options that is affected.
Not a single Norn character can advance the storyline beyond that point, and that’s just ridiculous. Especially since they claimed to have identified the issue already.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Ozavic.1263


Just hit this bug…

If it takes you more than a month to fix then at least give us a work-around or something

Hell, just having the dialoge skip so that you have to do the minotaur stampede thing without another choice would at very least stop MORE players from getting their personal story quest line aborted.

EDIT So after digging deeper into the thread MULTIPLE Norn quests are borked? This is the second most played race( http://guildwars2viz.com/ ) and it’s having so many problems.
-One Good Month of Null Progress Deserves Another-

(edited by Ozavic.1263)

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Ahkturyos.1938


So just noticed retrying in different order that in my instance, the non-agro son of svanir is the scout that calls out that the minotaurs have escaped. wonder if it could be as simple of a fix of making him not a son of svanir.. camp scout or something?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: JohnC.2841


I am really annoyed that this is not fixed yet. It has ben broken since I was lvl 10, and I am now lvl 70! ArenaNet fix this bug immediately! Please!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: torakun.9638


I can tell you that my gf, ever since hating her ELE in GW2, I made her to make another character. She chose Norn. She love playing Warrior Norn, and now her progress is halted. She’s the type that plays due to the story, and now she’s just wandering around the map with me without any story to continue and she begun to be bored.

I’m pretty generous and don’t mind spending real life money for gems, but if she’s bored and don’t want to play anymore, you’ll lose me too. Sad seeing this.

What a crappy way to prioritize since this is HALTING PROGRESSION TYPE of bug!


"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: IronShaq.6281


Ok,I’ve waited patiently,said nothing cause I was aware of the expansion,and the work it means to the team,but this is pathetic now.I just want a godkitten answer if this bug is getting a fix in the near future(let’s say 2 weeks) or not.I gave every bonuses to my norn,cause in general I love Nord mithology,religion,vikings really anything related to Nords.And now it turns out I just kittenslapped myself,cause if I can’t move on with the story there’s really no point to play with her anymore….

(edited by IronShaq.6281)

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Elijah.1436


Ugh, still not working!
Are you gonna fix this soon?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: PureWasabi.1670


HEY I was wondering if this has been fixed yet?

Sorry I cannot check myself because I am currently at work, and I do not have the software installed on my workstation.

Thank you!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Teek.3428


At this point I’m pretty peeved… Ive been patiently waiting on this to get fixed, and am starting to lose faith. I realize there is a lot of other stuff going on, but holy crap this is taking forever! Can we get this done already? I preordered this game before it was even released, and never have I seen something so screwy for so long.. fix it..

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: NikaLagann.6890


I thought I was doing something wrong in this mission and after some searching I find this post, people with the same problem as me, but also a problem that remains unresolved a month ago.
I know programming is difficult, more in something so complex like a game, so I’ll trying to be patient. Please fix this!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: SOULFLY.7942


still not fixed, they said “soon” anet’s soon means a couple months

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Radgryd.2871


Having the same problem with my Norn. Hoping this gets fixed ASAP. I just bought the game 2 weeks ago, and this character is going to be one of my two main characters.
It would suck if I couldn’t continue the story and get the better EXP/equip rewards out of it. Disappointing.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: kenny.4906


Hi, please put this as priority. Many games still wait for the story lines. Thank you

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Samsungsan.8512


can someone reply? if it works allredy?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: PureWasabi.1670


Still broke as of 4/28/2015 at 11:45am EST; however, a new build is to be deployed this afternoon. Maybe this new build will have the fix (ROFLCOPTER)?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: welniok.1378


Nothing in patch notes.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: potigax.8601


Just tried the quest and it worked

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Pyroblast.8453


oh fixed! thx anet. i can clear this quest.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: coach.9713



"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Pyroblast.8453


guys, go and clear quest! oh god…

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Lauren Kamieniecki.6245


Lauren Kamieniecki.6245

QA Lead

I take the optimistic “soon” reply to mean “whenever the next patch rolls around” (so about a week or two at most), especially since the bug seems to have been identified and fixed, just a matter of rolling it out.

“soon” is always a release

We try not to hotfix the game unless we have to, and usually we only hotfix during the week of a release. After that week it gets tougher.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Samsungsan.8512


Thank you <3

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: rahidz.1406


Thank you all very much for the fix

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: NuLL.6374


Sweet BABY JESUS!! Thank you!

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Ozavic.1263


Thanks guys, even if it took so long to do I’m happy that it is done

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: PureWasabi.1670


It works!

However, when I opened the gate for the minotaurs to escape it pushed my character into an obvious tear in the map and my character fell into nothingness and died. I had to restart the event, but I eventually completed it!

Thank you.

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

I can confirm personally that the bug is gone (begone foul being!).
Thank you very much for fixing the problem <bows gently> and have a nice day.
Time to kill some more Sons of Svanir (because why not).

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Radgryd.2871


Lucky me I only ran into this bug literally a day ago..

Thank you so much! ?

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

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Posted by: Elijah.1436


Oh, great. Going to do some story tonight