PVP Conqueror broken?

PVP Conqueror broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lacif.7321


Hi. Do any1 else having the following problem? It seems to be that the PVP Conqueror achievment is bugged, at least on my account. I am already with phantom and master phantom achievment at 30 something wins and still with Conqueror at 20 something.

PVP Conqueror broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: seanshine.8791


Mines is bugged also! I’ve been doing alot of tpvp and thought only none arena matches were being counted there but I just won a normal hotjoin and it still didn’t register…

PVP Conqueror broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942


Mines been like that since they made that change to “nearly complete” list to exclude lifetime pvp achievements….

“Fixing” things that are not broken and then break some more things… Classic Anet

So far 25 matches that haven’t counted.

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