Party Cannot Join You

Party Cannot Join You

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Posted by: Rykoth.5963


I can’t get party members to join me in a personal story instance OR my personal story home instance. The popup for them never rises!

Party Cannot Join You

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Posted by: Kasura.4685


I am having this issue as well. Not sure if there is another post somewhere but I searched and this is the first one to come up.

My husband and I decided to pick the same story lines and up until now there hasn’t been an issue with us getting the pop up message. We have tried reforming the group and completely closing the client; however, neither works.

We are trying to get into the story line “Brute Force.” Going ahead and doing it by ourselves and hopefully the issue doesn’t persist.

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sasha.3295


I also, have this issue. It appeared in the first week or so of the game, then disappeared, and I thought it was fixed, but now it is back. My friend and I can no longer advance in our storylines. It appears to be some sort of syncrhonization issue … if I move away from her, our pictures go black in the party window. Only when near each other can we see one another. Then, when she enters a mission, I get no option to join her. This makes cooperative playing of story missions impossible. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, because being unable to play cooperatively in an MMO is just unacceptable.

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaiten.7631


I’m glad it’s not just me. I had the same issue last night, I couldn’t get into my friends story nor could he join me. We even tried a 3rd friend and still the same. Also, we were in a group to work on some quests but if we went too far from each other we’d disappear on our maps, or it’d glitch and show us in completely different locations. I hope this gets fixed soon, I really would like to join in my friends story mode.

Party Cannot Join You

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Posted by: Calmwinds.4753


I have this as well… Can a dev answer pls.

Party Cannot Join You

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Posted by: Asukla.3654


Same problem for me! ç.ç

Party Cannot Join You

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Posted by: Calmwinds.4753


Actually, it works for me now… It just happened in Forging the pact and the mission after that.

Party Cannot Join You

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Posted by: Paken Kai.5970

Paken Kai.5970

I am currently experiencing this problem as well.

We are at the level 70 mission, but neither I nor my fiance can join eachother’s instance.

Paken Kai – Ranger
Raven’s Talon [RT]
Henge of Denravi

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Danyael.3856


Having the same issues as everyone else on this post. Trying to help two friends with their story line, which i have already completed, both being at the same spot in the story. I can not join with either of them, or can they join with eachother. Any answers as how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Guhmi.5728


We have the same issue here, odd/funny thing is that it’s only like that for Divinity’s Reach instances. Once we went out to world to do someone else’s PS it gave us the pop up to join just fine.

It’s not just the PS instance in DR either. It’s just any instance in DR, home district, queen’s palace, seraph office, whichever. Can’t seem to join the party, no popup and won’t drop you in same instance if you just enter after.

Trials of Human Ellipses =

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


Same problem with me also it took me couple of hours trying to finish Arah/Victory or death personal story 1st time ever few nights ago. Some of the party could get in while others are either on seperate map or can’t get in at all.

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GG Anet

Party Cannot Join You

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

My friend and I just started experiencing this problem earlier this week after not seeing it at all previously.

Also, when we did Ascalon Catacombs Story Mode for the first time the other day all Cutscenes after the first one only played for the Party Leader (and not us )