Party Leader leaving....

Party Leader leaving....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


When the party leader leaves, the group gets kicked from the dungeon/fractal. I just now lost a daily fractal chest again because of some impatient moron that couldn’t wait 5 more seconds. Of course, when whispered, he DID recieve his daily chest.

But anyway: when will this finally get fixed?

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Party Leader leaving....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Encarton.3985


Yeah, this is very annoying. I had it happen to me yesterday when someone left during the fractal and so we were all booted out of the instance.

What I would expect to happen is that they just leave and you can continue on with four or use LFG to bring in another player.

I guess they didn’t do that because some people could just try to get into almost complete fractal runs to get their fractal challenge level up or something something loot or similar? Doesn’t seem like it would be much of an issue though.

Asura Engineer Doc Sokk on the Isle of Janthir

Party Leader leaving....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


The instance is tied to who entered first…
When that player leaves the party, options had been to: a) kick everyone not in a party with the instance owner from the dungeon, or b) kick everyone from it. With option a, people would complete the 3 fractals and start fighting the jade maw, then leave the party and invite their friends to the half finished fight for a fast daily chest. That wasn’t a tenable state, so option b was made live. I’m guessing that A-Net has game mechanics reasons for booting everyone from the instance when the instance owner leaves (the novices in cliffside all point at the instance owner…). There may be real reasons behind there not having been a change before now.

With where things are now, I’ve been bit a few times by instance owners that are first to the chest and first to leave, but I’ve at least been able to get the daily chest from outside the dungeon, missing only on drops/reward chests placed physically inside.

If you are the instance owner, exercise patience and stay in the party for a bit after dungeon completion. If you are A-Net, please don’t boot players from a finished dungeon instance?