Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Kabuki Dude.2914

Kabuki Dude.2914

I have no idea what’s going on here, but it’s horrible and I would like it fixed.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Maimakterion.5940


They do look terrible now.

Kinda scared to log in and see what has happened to me

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Predator.9214


I am sorry, but that is funny as hell!

Mistwarden Lara (Herald)
Assassin Stef (Daredevil)
Snow Crows (SC) | Seafarer’s Rest

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Dicemeister.9340


EDIT: Could a moderator please move this to the bug forum, now that I know it is not just me. Thank you!

They seem to have grown in size (much thicker) since the update and I do not like it at all!

I could just be going crazy, but I’m pretty sure my Asura’s ears were much smaller before the update.

Anyone else feel the same way?

Here’s my proof (attempt at re-creating screenshots, new gear, in my gold chain now)


(edited by Dicemeister.9340)

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Sgunbee.5409


I have the exact same problem, my Asura’s ears became ugly.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: nottsgman.8206


do you both use the same ears? I don’t and I’m not seeing this problem so it made me wonder

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Eicca Topinen.8759

Eicca Topinen.8759

Same issue, my asura ears now look like the last pic you posted lol Update deff has something to do with it.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Dicemeister.9340


Hmm, perhaps I should have posted this in the bug forum.

Mod: please move this to the bug forum if you see it!

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


As I’ve said in a number of threads, the problem stems from the fact the floppy ears broke a few patches ago and stopped responding to the ear scale sliders.

This patch they fixed the ears once more so they respond to the sliders; a number of players in this timespan created asura characters with floppy ears and messed the sliders about and left them at the extreme end.

Now they’ve fixed the ears again your have super skinny/bendy or inflamed ears in line with your slider choice at creation, it’s not really clear how anet can “fix” this because legit floppy earred asura from before the patch probably don’t want their ears reset. And they can hardly “break” the ears again

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Dicemeister.9340


Meh, thanks Ryuu! I’ll wait for them to add some sort of makeover item to the gem store then =/

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Byron Miller

Byron Miller

Game Designer


Hello Kabuki Dude,

Could you tell me if this issue is still affecting your character? Did relogging change revert your ears to a svelte pre-patch look?

Anyone else encountering this problem, please post a screenshot (if you have it) of the before and after, similar to what Kabuki posted. If you do not have a before shot, please still post a screenshot of your character.

Thank you!

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Solrac.4958


Same problem here…

Please, fix this bug… Its too horrible…

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Stratigo.1976


Hello Kabuki Dude,

Could you tell me if this issue is still affecting your character? Did relogging change revert your ears to a svelte pre-patch look?

Anyone else encountering this problem, please post a screenshot (if you have it) of the before and after, similar to what Kabuki posted. If you do not have a before shot, please still post a screenshot of your character.

Thank you!

What about the mesmer iberzerker bug?

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Byron Miller


Byron Miller

Game Designer



We’ve identified the problem and are working on a fix for it.

Thank you for your patience!

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I can’t stop laughing, it is a funny bug. But take no offense to that. Hope you get your fixes soon (next content patch for december?)

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Xolo.3580


They definitely look like a big crab pinched them… wait!

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Seven.8326


yes mine are that model too and after the patch they are fugly now,

so what do we do im a ele and im not rerolling to open all my weapon skills again sigh,

so i guess we settle for fat blobby ears =/

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Kabuki Dude.2914

Kabuki Dude.2914

Thank you for your response on this issue. It is not fixed as of yet, but it’s nice to know I won’t have to re-roll my character.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


My guildy noticed last night on his Asuran character (Guardian) that he now holds his weapons incorrectly. It was proper pre-patch. Something is amiss with the Asurans.

I should have SS’d it, but he did report it. Can any Asuran characters post a screenshot of this? I doubt he is the only one affected. IIRC, the weapons clip through the Asurans wrists (like they are choking up on the sword) instead of being in their hands.

Edit: Found a pic of the Asuran weapon glitch from another forum thread (with no responses, 4 days ago) – hope he doesn’t mind me borrowing it.


(edited by Idolicious.6091)

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Curring.9752


My Asuran’s ears are still small, cute and “normal” looking thankfully. xD

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Kabuki Dude.2914

Kabuki Dude.2914

Any developments?

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Wriith.6581


Same problem on my 80 necromancer. Really, really irritating.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: nottsgman.8206


horrible thing is, they look like that in character creation too :/

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: whooo.1247


before and after..


Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Solrac.4958


Still bugged… Something new?

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

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Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hi there,

Thanks for your patience as we looked into this issue. The good news is the team is looking at this but they need just a bit more time to finish up the review.

If you rolled a Male Asuran before November 16 and chose what we call “Ear Option No. 5” (you can see examples in the screenshots above), and if you have an issue with the appearance, please submit a ticket to the Support Team through the “Ask a Question” tab on that linked page.

We’ll get back with you about this soon. Hopefully we’ll soon be able to say “Ear today and gone tomorrow,” or “Ears to you” or… well, maybe not.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Updating to make sure those of you who gave us an _ear_ful about the issue will be sure to submit a ticket.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mala.3861


I am not one of the ones who has already posted about an Asura ear issue but I have one! I went to create a new Asura yesterday and, even though I have the slider as far over as possible, the ear length is no where near what I want and have on my other Asura.

The girl on the left is the new one with her horrible short ears. The one on the right has the ear length I have on all my others.

Is this part of the bug? Will it be changed or will all my future Asuras have short little ears?

I did submit a ticket, by the way.


(edited by Mala.3861)

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Edge.4180


Hi there,

Thanks for your patience as we looked into this issue. The good news is the team is looking at this but they need just a bit more time to finish up the review.

If you rolled a Male Asuran before November 16 and chose what we call “Ear Option No. 5” (you can see examples in the screenshots above), and if you have an issue with the appearance, please submit a ticket to the Support Team through the “Ask a Question” tab on that linked page.

We’ll get back with you about this soon. Hopefully we’ll soon be able to say “Ear today and gone tomorrow,” or “Ears to you” or… well, maybe not.

So, to be clear, this bug only impacts players who chose “ear option no. 5”?

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raine.1394


I am not one of the ones who has already posted about an Asura ear issue but I have one! I went to create a new Asura yesterday and, even though I have the slider as far over as possible, the ear length is no where near what I want and have on my other Asura.

The girl on the left is the new one with her horrible short ears. The one on the right has the ear length I have on all my others.

Is this part of the bug? Will it be changed or will all my future Asuras have short little ears?

I did submit a ticket, by the way.

I thinks she’s adorable with the shorter ears. And, from a lore perspective, long ears are only important for males. Females are fine with shorter, attractive ears in the culture.

But, seriously, I understand what you are saying and your preference. Seems strange they would mess with asura ears in the patch, but I guess fine tuning went awry somewhere.

Patch has ruined my Asura's ears.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaMunky.6302


Haha, so here’s what I’m seeing:

Update hits, all the #5 ear asura wake up with HUGELY INFLATED earlobes.
In Asuran culture, large ears are a sign of virility.

Essentially, it seems to me that your characters have discovered the mythical and often foretold (by spam emails) “true working male enhancement pills”!

Dear lord, what have I done? – Matthew Medina, Gw2 Content Designer