Path of Fire web microsite is broken
Try purchasing through the gem store – worked fine for me while the website only 403’d.
my husband and me from Australia in EU server. I tried to purchase the ultimate version from TP and it says error try again later. is this normal?
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Whoever or whatever company did the path of fire webseite.
It is a work of an utteryl dilettante person or a group.
There is nothing else to say to such a exorbitant incompetence.
yes got some error in console
html 1506 unexpected token path of fire(31,1) //’></script>
media 12598 Independent composition is disabled for video rendering. This can negatively impact performance.
media 12297 Independent composition is now enabled for video rendering.
from static scan:
CSS Prefixes
We’ve found that this webpage may have missing vendor-specific prefixes or may have implemented vendor-specific prefixes when they are not required in common CSS properties. This may cause compatibility problems with how this webpage renders across different browsers.
When possible, this report also includes vendor prefixes that represent many browsers including Chrome (-webkit), Firefox (-moz), Internet Explorer (-ms), Opera (-o), and Safari (-webkit).
View list of selectors we detected
The following is a list of missing selectors and their properties that may be causing compatibility problems. For example there may be a -webkit-box-shadow property but no box-shadow property, preventing non-WebKit browsers from rendering box shadows.
Location: //
there is a lot of it. I cannot put all of them in here since it is css the forum protection block it.
if you want to try it your self copy:
go to this link:
paste the url and run the test look on the left under modern web interoperability click it then look for css click it look on the right for selector click the arrow it will show you the file location and all the css issue.
I have counted 149 of them.
(edited by stephanie wise.7841)