People around me have the same armor
could it not be your settings that gives people a standard figuer?
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Go to “Options → Graphic Options” and increase your settings for “Character Model Limit” and/or “Character Model Quality”
(This is no bug, it’s an feature to reduce the load an slower computers)
omg thank you, I feel like such an idiot, I had no idea character model quality actually made everyone look alike.
I get that also. It’s really weird as I have all options turned to max. My friend sees me like that ALL the time. I think this deserves a fix.
I get that also. It’s really weird as I have all options turned to max. My friend sees me like that ALL the time. I think this deserves a fix.
Your friends see you as a generic model because their settings are turned low. They need to increase their settings for Character Model Detail.
What your settings are at does not determine what others see on their screens, only on yours.
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I get that also. It’s really weird as I have all options turned to max. My friend sees me like that ALL the time. I think this deserves a fix.
Its because of culling. There is no fix then to buy a better computer
Oh I’m not saying my settings should affect other people. I’m saying even I see other people with those weird armors and my settings are all max. My problem disappears after couple of seconds tho.
If your computer is not fast enough to load all textures and models for each player around you (that’s a lot of data, even a high end computer may have problems loading it) you will see the replacement armor.
As soon as all data is loaded, you will see the correct armor (in your case a few seconds).
I guess, in your case, lowering the settings to normal would make the replacement armor completely disappear, because the game has to load less data.
Before the disabling of culling, you would have seen … uhm … just nothing and after a few seconds players around you would have popped up out of nowhere.
(edited by poebel.4780)