(edited by Artonius Flamefist.6417)
I was fooling around outside the Citadel when suddenly I got permanently crippled by a creature.
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Who: Human Elementalist
Where: Inbetween Smokestead and Gunbreah hills
When: Today at 14.00-ish/2 PM-ish GTM+1
Please fix this Can´t play him at all now, cause it takes ages to get anywhere..
(edited by Artonius Flamefist.6417)
bump bump bump bump
Have you considered dying or using cleanses?
I´m waaay ahead of you, buddy
Tried both – No luck
Strange, does it put you into combat, or can you still use waypoints, it would seem strange that even if you logged out and back in you will still be crippled, etc,
Have never seen anyone report this sort of bug before, you may want to use the ingame report bug system aswell, incase its something bigger,
If it doesn’t work you could try the -repair command incase something in your archive is corrupted, strange bug for sure.
Should add a screenshot for any dev’s looking at this.
Do you have the condition showing, or could you be “walking”?
Check Options → Controls → Movement
You could always buy a name change contract and change your character to “Timmy… Timmy Timmy Timmy”…
@Ok: Nope, it doesn´t put me “in combat” which means I can use waypoints freely.
Although it may seem strange, it doesn´t matter wether I log out, restart the game or die.
Using the In-game bug system was the first thing I did (before coming here), not sure if/when they will actualy reply.
Screen added for your enjoyment
@Max: I checked the controls – no luck.
Hahahahaha, your last sentence made my day Thanks buddy ^^
You appear to be overencumbered.
Yup toastiekins is right your inventory is full.
haha yeah, it´s true.. truth is I´m a garbage collector >.> shhhhhh, but don´t tell anyone >.>
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.