Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Tangolho.3817


I can’t complete this quest because the NPC just stay there and wont follow me

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Johnny Red.4912

Johnny Red.4912

I can’t complete this quest because the NPC just stay there and wont follow me

Same here… the “second team of reserchers” won’t follow me to the designated point… they do nothing

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: McNutty.5031


I did this one by myself, and it messed up like everyone said. It just so happened that i had a friend who was on the same mission so I let him do the instance (where I joined up) and then it worked fine. Not sure what the deal is, but play around with it that way. Although it’s probably annoying to test it like that since it is so far in and you have to fight so many risen up till that point…

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: sheep.4906


I tried this again after ~3h and it worked as intended. Solo, didn’t change anything. It’s one of those missions that may occasionaly bug out for no reason, hopefully ANet will fix it soon!

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


This also happened to me today. I am a ranger lvl 65 and I did die and respawn right at the beginning but Trahaerne never did. I made it all the way to the cave where you have to escort them out through the south tunnel. I cleared out the entire cave but the southern exit was blocked by tree branches or something. None of the NPC’s ever moved from the previous cutscene. I then figured I had made some mistake somehow so I went back outside with Trahaerne the way we came in and I cleared out ALL of the undead outside as well… still nothing.

What is supposed to happen? Are those trees supposed to be blocking the southern exit? I figured the same as getting into the cave, one of the NPC’s is supposed to blow them up or something, but they just stand there. Lame…

This is only the second bug I’ve had to deal with, but both have kept me from completing a region (like the skill point NPC in Lornar’s Pass that isn’t there) or progressing my storyline like this one…

really lame, please fix. Also, I’m sure Anet has their hands full, but c’mon, how bout a response to this thread? You guys were awesome quick to respond to things during Beta !!!

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


I cleared this part of the story last night. It was after the update, so I’m not sure if they had done anything to fix it.

In any case, I just focused on keeping all of my allies alive and it worked fine for me.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Narayoth.8549


I can’t complete this quest because the NPC just stay there and wont follow me

Same thing. I can’t complete the quest because NPC’s stay on their places in the cave and do nothing.

Far Shiverpeaks – Za Drots Guild [ZDs] – Narayoth

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Aria Casta.9246

Aria Casta.9246

Joining the long list of people having a problem with completing this personal story quest. All the NPC’s are alive and well, but only Trahaerne follows me and the gate at the south end won’t open.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Neoheart.2750


I can confirm that it does work. I eventually got it on my third try (second one i got stuck in the terrain via using a leap skill lol).

Something(s) are a bit buggy in this quest and im sure it will be fixed soon. Though if you cant wait i suggest running it until it proc’s. Btw just for clarification, on my final attempt I, along with most of the NPC’s died several times (my armor was gone) so staying alive has no effect.

Goodluck to those still trying

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Tyloric.7520


Try this:

  • Just continue playing

That’s what I did the first time. I never have to retry it. Seriously, just continue to play, as long as he is alive, cutscenes and other triggers will trigger. It worked that way for me, so hopefully it works for you too.

The bug stops after a cutscene. If he bugs again, I just make sure he is alive and continued without him. On the next dialogue scenes (not necessarily cutscenes), he just showed up out-of-nowhere and started helping me.

After trying that method and it still doesn’t work, then sadly, you’ll have to wait until it gets fixed. But do pray the workaround works (workaround = make sure he is alive and just continue with the mission).

You can’t just ‘keep playing’. For me, the quest stopped and I could not progress post a barrier because the NPC that was supposed to destroy is refuses to move.

Casteless Wind [Guild Wars 2]
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Kaos Kitteh.7839

Kaos Kitteh.7839

Also getting this bugged out. At the stage of escorting the second crew out through the southern exit, and they just sort of stand around looking pretty instead of following myself and Traherne.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: zencynic.8950


Also getting this bugged out. At the stage of escorting the second crew out through the southern exit, and they just sort of stand around looking pretty instead of following myself and Traherne.

Exact same issue.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: zigs.5842


Also getting this bugged out. At the stage of escorting the second crew out through the southern exit, and they just sort of stand around looking pretty instead of following myself and Traherne.

Exact same issue.

Same issue here.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Jonin.7230


Yeah it’s hosed for me too. The rest of the expedition just standing around and me and Trahearn run to whats supposed to be the exit and nothing happens. I don’t think I wanna do this quest again. It’s long with tons of mobs. Sucks

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Aspenth.1392


Despite what the 9/8 patch notes say this issue is STILL not resolved. Extremely frustrating! I’ve had my story quest delayed on four different occasions in four separate quests and I’m very quickly losing interest in doing these lengthy class quests if I’m going to encounter progress inhibiting bugs in 50% of these quests.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Ratzap.5427


I wish I’d read this before trying to do it, what a waste of time. 90 minutes down the chute with the dumb NPCs standing around refusing to go south (which is completely clear). 2:30 am and I have the prospect of repeating the whole lot again with all the talky talky and gang attacks – I’m really looking forward to that :-/

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Despite what the 9/8 patch notes say this issue is STILL not resolved. Extremely frustrating! I’ve had my story quest delayed on four different occasions in four separate quests and I’m very quickly losing interest in doing these lengthy class quests if I’m going to encounter progress inhibiting bugs in 50% of these quests.

Yeh this is the same for me. I’m playing the Priory storyline and it seems to me every other quest is bugged in some way or another. SO frustrating to have to keep redoing them.

They often happen right at the end of quests too which makes it worse.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: qrevolution.5867


I just bugged out on this as well. Played through the mission, had no problems until the very last bit.

When we got to the southern entrance, it was barricaded, and none of the NPCs seemed to really care about that.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Chuoi.6942


bugged! me too, I try to keep Trahearne alive, however it still stuck at part “Escort the researchers to the southern exit with Trahearne”, Trahearne follow my character but the rest NPC are not


Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Shael.4703


You can’t just ‘keep playing’.

It was a suggestion, an option, I don’t mean it to sound something else, pardon me for that if it sounded that way.

If it didn’t work after trying to continue with the quest, then you really have to restart and try again. It will probably take longer for a fix to get patched for whatever reason. Although personally, it’s a blocker-type bug and should be a priority – but they sure have a lot of priority items already, which are blocker-type bugs as well.

If you are up to it, just keep trying, whatever happened on my end that I was able to finish it even with the key NPCs following me, might also happen to you. Or, just wait for the fix.

My blog/sites: gameshogun & Tomes of Knowledge

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Tried it again this morning and it worked just fine. Previously after reaching the 2nd digger site only Trahaerne was following and the other npcs stayed put. Didn’t get this today.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: GigaRaichu.4197


I’ve got the same problem with the NSC not following me. Very frustrating …

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Hotarubi.5681


Same thing.

Deeply frustrating game.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: anzi.7568


Bugged for me aswell. Doing it with friend, Trahearne died like twice and now im stuck with him and 3 asuras at the gates and “Escort the researchers to the southern exit with Trahearne” isnt updating. ><

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: CptUndies.9815


I too, am having this issue. Can someone from Arenanet please respond to at least say it is being looked at?

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Neoheart.2750


Same thing.

Deeply frustrating game.

I think the rest of the game more than makes up for this bug lol. Try it again, i ended up doing 3 runs but in the end it does work. Furstrating at the time yeah, but once its done…its done

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Walabone.6713


Traherene follows me, the researchers don’t.

Time for some creative problem solving AN… can we take thatkittenportion out of the game please? I haven’t been able to do this quest for over a week, and it’s the third time I’ve tried it. Not to mention it’s long and boring. I just want that POI in Straits of Devastation.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: ShadeUK.7632


Just got to this quest and the same crap going on, Trahaerne followed me all through the quest up to the 2nd digger site in the cave where after talking with the asurat researcher, him and his squad, the 1st dig squad and the vigil plant AND Order of whispers rat, just stand there… dont move dont even blink…. so much for ‘escort them to the south exit’ they dont even kitten move, ive found too many bugs and this is just getting increasingly annoying …… im disappointed completely.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


SOLUTION: Although it’s probably still glitched, I was able to complete this quest last night. After doing some reading on the forums after I get the Priory guys to follow, only take a few steps at a time to make sure they are all following you. Go very slowly and make sure everyone is coming with you. It’s a little misleading when the storyline tells you to “forge a trail” or whatever they say, so the first time I did it I just ran off and killed everything and all the NPC’s glitched and didn’t move (except Trahaern who followed me everywhere). This time around I walked a few steps and made sure everyone followed… killed a grub or a thrall, made sure everyone was following, etc. You shouldn’t have to do this, but as long as you never leave the vicinity of the whole group it should never glitch out on you.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: ShadeUK.7632


Same issue here, 2nd research team stand and do nothing …

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Lili.9160


Same here and its NOT funny! I cant complete my stroy line and therefore some points of interest are not avaliable for me, and I cant discover the whole world map…! Guys, lets be straight — u are wasting our (gamers) time here, and time is money u know :\

Fix this awful bug, cause its really seriours issue.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Ratzap.5427


I tried again today and got it to work. I made sure I had no pets up when I got to the second group and it actually worked. Even skipping the convos etc it still took the best part of an hour to carefully grind my way though the mobs. Fair enough if it actually works but when it’s buggy, man it’s not funny.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Lili.9160


Same here and its NOT funny! Reaserch team wont move, even for an inch, and Ive cleared the whole cave full of undead. I cant complete my stroy line therefore some points of interest are not avaliable for me, and I cant discover the whole world map…! Guys, lets be straight — u are wasting our (gamers) time here, and time is money u know :\

Fix this awful bug, cause its really seriours issue.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Reevac.1748


I never had any issue with this. I was annoyed Trahearne didn’t help me and stood outside but it worked perfectly fine for me.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Kilic Bela.4680

Kilic Bela.4680

yeah its still bugged for me too. The end bit where you escape to the south is blocked and the gang of NPC allies dont move

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Huntingfire.1963


Yep bugged for me aswell. When the part of exiting through the south entrance starts, the npc;’s just stand around. REALLY FRUSTRATING.

How is it that the main storyline is not properly tested an bugged. I can understand if world events and dynamic events are bugged, but story quest should not be bugged.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: splinterbrain.5764


Still bugged. I have Trahearne and some of the team following me, but half the team just sits where they were rescued and no one destroys the southern barrier.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Slew Foot.7015

Slew Foot.7015

Still bugged for me too…just tried for second time, Trahearne followed me all the way through but the rest of the team got stuck in the cave where they were rescued. Got to the last barrier and nothing happened.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Stylish.2759


Quick temp fix for you guys. I never ran into that problem. It’s probably because all the foes always ignore the npc and chase me. On my main character, thief, I got a habit of using the bow vs strong mobs, so as to not get laid to waste in seconds. I realized whenever I used an aoe condition-based skill (ie bleeding, poison, cripple), it would lure the mob or some large fraction of them towards me, depending how much in range they are to me when I fire. Until they fix the bug, I would advise try using aoe condition spells to lure the foes to you and run back far enough to find the “point-of-return” where the foe will turn around and go for the npc. Ensnare and lay them to waste as they go back. Juggle them until you have killed them all. I noticed the same thing worked with my new ranger as well when I used barrage, same effect. Any mob will ignore the npc and come after me so I had to move back and do the above strat. Let me know if that helps. Gl.
Oh yea, you have to be somewhat close when applying the condition or they won’t aggro at all.

(edited by Stylish.2759)

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Thel Elinzar.4679

Thel Elinzar.4679

Still broken. Treherne keeps following, but the research team is not moving. It is becoming extremely irritating. Last quest, light in the darkness was bugged as well, had to do it couple of times. Now this. Time well spent.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Aramil.8524


I have the same problem.


Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: SolarWind.5693


Still bugged. I tried to complete this quest. I managed to survive through all the respawning undead craziness which is absolutely insane. I have no idea how I didn’t die as my health was down to double digits.
Traherne didn’t die I don’t think. I wasn’t aware I should be watching him so I can’t say for certain. NPC’s definitely were down, and lots of them but I don’t know which ones. Again, I wasn’t keeping track, I was trying to stay alive and kill hordes of undead who incessantly and relentlessly swarmed me.

Anyway. Reached the second group. Cleared mobs enough to talk to them. After I spoke to the quest NPC only Treherne would follow me. The other NPC’s moved out of that spot just to kill some mobs which were left and came close to them then went right back. I cleared the rest with Treherne and now their is a bone wall which I can’t get past and the NPC’s will not follow me. There are no more dialogue options.

I will give up on my personal story until this is fixed.

CMDR – Devonas Rest [WvW]

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: ZeT.3574


This needs to be fixed asap. I just can’t continue playing without finishing my personal story.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: scorched.1347


I got the the part where you have to lead the explorers to the southern exit but the explorers won’t follow me, they just sit there.


Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Gerfimons.2358


I am experiencing the same problem.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: scorched.1347


I am also getting this horrid issue, I paid for a full game, not an alpha packed with bugs dangit!


Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Gerfimons.2358


I had noticed that two of the npc where dead in the previous zone. Reviving them did not solve the issue.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: scorched.1347


:( hope they fix this soon


Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: Shael.4703


Similiar problem, I have rescued the 2nd team, they teleported out of the cave and were all did for some reason. Southern entrance is blocked. I went out the cave and found 2nd team and Traherne, all dead, managed to get everyone alive and Traherne says: I believe I can get us out of here, all I need is your protection while I summon help.
They won’t move. no enemy around them, all alive, If I move they don’t, no enemy on the way to cave entrance, cave 90% clear and clear to the southern entrance. This is still bugged. They don’t move at all.

It is bugged then because: [spoiler]Traherne is supposed to say that dialogue once you reach the southern entrance/exit after finding out it’s blocked (and there’s a cinematic if I remember correctly). He’s going to summon 4 or 8 undead minions (he’s a necromancer) and you have to fight your way back to the front entrance/exit.

Then he’s going to enter into a conversation with the leader of the Risen that attacked those NPCs you rescued, and you’re on to your final battle.[/spoiler]

I am also getting this horrid issue, I paid for a full game, not an alpha packed with bugs dangit!

Just relax. Programs/codes do fail under a different scenario and with more factors involved. Testing it privately usually doesn’t give you actual results – but that’s the problem, there’s no way to test things out-in-the-wild without revealing the whole product and let your competitors copy you or prepare for your launch.

It will get fixed.

My blog/sites: gameshogun & Tomes of Knowledge

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

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Posted by: nish.2360


Same problem here. After you beat the veteran in the cave, the npcs do not follow you out. I did notice in mine that one of the researchers was dead, but I couldn’t revive him. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.